Internal flow


The module internalflow contains functions related to fluid flow inside circular pipes/tubes and annular spaces. It contains methods to compute:

  1. Nusselt number

  2. Entry length, friction factor, and pressure drop and other quantities

How to use

It is recommended that the module be imported as from pychemengg import internalflow as intflow

The following examples demonstrate how the module internalflow` can be used to solve heat transfer problems.


Example 1: Internal flow circular tube, entry lengths

Example 1. Engine oil is to be cooled from 100 to 80 C by passing through a tube maintained at a uniform surface temperature of 40 C. Oil flows at a velocity of 0.03 ms/. Tube inner diameter is 2 cm. What is the desired tube length. Ans: 2.67 m

from pychemengg.heattransfer import internalflow as intflow
import math
# Identify properties at mean buld fluid temp = (100+80)/2.
# All units are in SI system
density = 846
specificheat = 2176
thermalconductivity = 0.138
viscosity = kinematicviscosity * density
velocity = 0.03
diameter = 2e-2

# Model the tube as CircularTube from module internalflow
# Note, do not use () after CircularTube
# To use correlations in internalflow, Reynolds number and Prandtl number is needed
# This is provided in module 'commonmethods'
from pychemengg.heattransfer import commonmethods as hcm
Re = hcm.calc_Re(characteristic_length=2e-2, velocity=velocity, density=density, viscosity=viscosity)
Pr = hcm.calc_Pr(viscosity=kinematicviscosity*density, specificheat=specificheat, thermalconductivity=thermalconductivity)
# Print Re to see whether flow is laminar or turbulent
print(f"Reynolds number = {Re: 0.0f}")
# Re = 21, which is < 2300 and flow is laminar

# The user needs to examine intermediate results and accordingly
# select the path forward.

# Now check if flow is developed or not.
# Use correlation for laminar flow.
thermalentrylength = tube.thermal_entrylength_laminar(Re=Re, Pr=Pr, diameter=diameter)
print(f"Thermal entry length = {thermalentrylength}")
hydrolength = tube.hydrodynamic_entrylength_laminar(Re=Re, diameter=diameter)
print(f"Hydrodynamic entry length = {hydrolength}")

# hydrolength = 0.021 m, which means flow should be developed hydrodynamically.
# thermalentrylength = 8 m, and since tube length is not known,
# it is not feasible to conclude that the flow is thermally developed.
# Therefore, thermally developing flow relation should be used to find Nu.
# The following method can be used.
# Nu_thermallydeveloping_laminar_edwards(Pr=None, length=None, diameter=None).
# This requires 'length' as input, and this is precisely what has to be
# computed. This indicates a function should be created that takes 'length'
# as input and returns some 'equation' that can be solved for 'length'

# Create function
# Note that other variables needed such as Pr, diameter are not part of
# function definition below. Based on Python variable 'scope' the function
# is able to reach out to access these other variable.
def func(length_guess):
    Nu = tube.Nu_thermallydeveloping_laminar_edwards(Re=Re, Pr=Pr, length=length_guess, diameter=diameter)

    # What equation can be formulated to return via this function
    # so that 'length' can be computed.
    # Enery balance can be used
    # change in internal energy = Energy gained via convection
    # m Cp deltaT_internalenergy = h A delta T_conv
    # These deltaTs are not the same
    # deltaT_internalenergy = In - out
    # deltaT_conv = LMTD
    # Internal energy change function is in module commonmethods
    # hcm.calc_internalenergychange(mass=mass, specificheat=specificheat, deltaT=deltaT)
    areacrosssection = math.pi/4 * diameter**2
    massflowrate = density * velocity * areacrosssection
    rate_deltainternalenergy = hcm.calc_internalenergychange(mass=massflowrate, specificheat=specificheat, deltaT=100-80)
    h = Nu*thermalconductivity/diameter
    deltaT1 = 100-40
    deltaT2 = 80-40
    deltaT_conv = hcm.calc_LMTD(deltaT1=deltaT1, deltaT2=deltaT2)
    heatrate_conv = h * (math.pi * diameter * length_guess) * (deltaT_conv)
    equation = rate_deltainternalenergy - heatrate_conv
    return equation
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
guess_length = 1
solution = fsolve(func, guess_length)
print(f"Length of tube needed = {solution[0]: 0.2f} m")
# Notice that L = 2.67 < 8, thus the original assumption
# of using equation of Nu for thermally developing flow was correct

Length of tube needed =  2.67 m