Heat Exchangers


The module heatexchangers contains methods to perform heat transfer calculations related to heat exchangers.

The module has methods for the following:

  1. Calculation of F factors

  2. Calculation of effectiveness and NTU

  3. Calculation of overall heat coefficient from NTU

How to use

It is recommended that the module be imported as from pychemengg import heatexchangers as hx

The following examples demonstrate how the module heatexchangers` can be used to solve heat transfer problems.


Example 1: Counter flow LMTD

Example 1. Hot fluid (Cp=2.09 kJ/kg-K) flows through a counter flow heat exchanger at a rate of 0.63 kg/s. It enter at 193 C and leaves at 65 C. Cold fluid (Cp=1.67 kJ/kgK) exits at 149 C at a rate of 1 kg/s. What area is required if the overall heat transfer coefficient based on the inside area is 0.7 kW/m2K. Ans: Area = 8.5 m2

from pychemengg.heattransfer import heatexchangers as hx
from pychemengg.heattransfer import heatcommonmethods as hcm

# Use change in internal energy to compute heat transfered
heattransfer_hot = hcm.calc_internalenergychange(mass=0.63, specificheat=2.09e3, deltaT=193-65)

# heattransfer_hot = heattransfer_cold, use this to find inlet
# temperature of cold fluid

T_cold_in = 149 - heattransfer_hot/1.67e3

# compute LMTD
deltaT1 = 65-T_cold_in
deltaT2 = 193-149
LMTD = hcm.calc_LMTD(deltaT1=deltaT1, deltaT2=deltaT2)
correctionfactor = 1 # Because counterflow
# compute area using convection equation
area = heattransfer_hot/0.7e3/LMTD
print(f"Area required = {area: 0.1f} m2")

Area required =  8.5 m2

Example 2: Double-pipe Effectiveness-NTU

Example 2. A fluid (Cp = 4.18 kJ/kgK) enters a parallel flow, double-pipe heat exchanger at 40 C at 0.75 kg/s. It is heated by a second fluid (Cp = 1.581 kJ/kgK) flowing at a rate of 1.5 kg/s with inlet temperature 115 C. If the area is 13 m2 and overall heat transfer coefficient is 0.205 kW/m2K, find the total heat rate. Ans: heat rate = 87.17 kW

from pychemengg.heattransfer import heatexchangers as hx

# Use effectiveness-NTU method.
Ccold = 0.75*4.18e3
Chot = 1.5*1.581e3
# Print both to see which is Cmin
print(f" Chot = {Chot} and Ccold = {Ccold}")
# This produces:  Chot = 2371.5 and Ccold = 3135.0
# Based on this, assign Cmin and Cmax.
Cmin = Chot
Cmax = Ccold
# Calculate NTU = UA/Cmin
NTU = .205e3 * 13/Cmin
# Next given this NTU find effectiveness.
# First create instance of EffNTU class
doublepipe = hx.EffNTU(Cmin=Cmin, Cmax=Cmax, NTU=NTU, effectiveness="?")
# The keyword - 'effectiveness' is assigned the string "?".
# This alerts the function that effectiveness is to be computed.

# Then call the appropriate exchanger type to compute effectiveness.
effectiveness = doublepipe.doublepipe_parallelflow()

heatratemax = Cmin*(115-40)
heatrate_actual = effectiveness * heatratemax
print(f"Heat rate = {heatrate_actual: 0.3e} W")

Heat rate =  8.719e+04 W

Example 3: Comparison of cross flow and shell and tube F correction factors

Example 3. An exchanger is desired for operation with Thot,in = 400 C, Thot,out = 130 C, and Tcold,in = 25 C. The following is known about the system:

Hot fluid: mass flow rate = 2 kg/s, specific heat = 2000 J/kg k

Cold fluid: mass flow rate = 6.857 kg/s, specific heat = 1050 J/kgK

Overall heat transfer coefficient = 150 W/m2K

Compare i) shell and tube heat exchanger design with ii) cross flow exchanger with both fluids unmixed. Find the suitable configurations.

Ans: 2 Shell - 4 tube: F = 0.93, area = 48.64 m2; Cross flow: F = 0.85, area = 53.8 m2

from pychemengg.heattransfer import heatexchangers as hx
from pychemengg.heattransfer import heatcommonmethods as hcm

# Use energy balance to find T_cold_out
mass_hot = 2
specificheat_hot = 2000
T_hot_in = 400
T_hot_out = 130
deltaT_hot = T_hot_in - T_hot_out

hot_internalenergychange = hcm.calc_internalenergychange(mass=mass_hot, specificheat=specificheat_hot, deltaT=deltaT_hot)

mass_cold = 6.857
specificheat_cold = 1050
T_cold_in =  25
T_cold_out = T_cold_in + hot_internalenergychange/mass_cold/specificheat_cold

# case: shell-tube
# Calculate LMTD.
deltaT_1 = T_hot_in - T_cold_out
deltaT_2 = T_hot_out - T_cold_in
LMTD = hcm.calc_LMTD(deltaT1=deltaT_1, deltaT2=deltaT_2)
print(f"LMTD = {LMTD: 0.1f} C")
# Calculate F correction factor.
exchanger = hx.FCorrectionFactor()
oneshelltube_F_factor = exchanger.oneshell2ntubepasses(T_tubein=T_cold_in, T_tubeout=T_cold_out, T_shellin=T_hot_in, T_shellout=T_hot_out)
print(f"1-Shell 2-Tube F Factor = {oneshelltube_F_factor: 0.2f}")
# The F factor is 0.58, which is quite low.
# Therefore the 2 shell-4 pass configuration can be examined.
twoshelltube_F_factor = exchanger.twoshell4ntubepasses(T_tubein=T_cold_in, T_tubeout=T_cold_out, T_shellin=T_hot_in, T_shellout=T_hot_out)
print(f"2-Shell 4-Tube F Factor = {twoshelltube_F_factor: 0.2f}")
# The F factor for 2 shell and 4 tube is 0.93.
# Calculate area for this using convection heat rate equation and internal energy change
# hot_internalenergychange = U * A * LMTD * F
overallheattransfercoefficient = 150
area_shelltube = hot_internalenergychange/overallheattransfercoefficient/LMTD/twoshelltube_F_factor
print(f"Area needed for 2 shell-4 tube heat exchanger = {area_shelltube:0.2f} m2")

# case: cross flow both fluids unmixed
# Calculate F factor.
crossflow_F_factor = exchanger.singlepass_crossflow_bothunmixed(T_tubein=T_cold_in, T_tubeout=T_cold_out, T_shellin=T_hot_in, T_shellout=T_hot_out)
print(f"Cross flow F factor= {crossflow_F_factor: 0.2f}")
# Calculate area as was done for shell-tube case
area_crossflow = hot_internalenergychange/overallheattransfercoefficient/LMTD/crossflow_F_factor
print(f"Area needed for cross flow heat exchanger = {area_crossflow:0.2f} m2")

LMTD =  157.5 C
1-Shell 2-Tube F Factor =  0.58
2-Shell 4-Tube F Factor =  0.93
Area needed for 2 shell-4 tube heat exchanger = 49.32 m2
Cross flow F factor=  0.85
Area needed for cross flow heat exchanger = 53.70 m2