External flow


The module externalflow contains methods related to heat transfer between a fluid and objects, wherein the fluid is subjected to convective flow over the external surfaces of the objects.

The module has methods for the following objects:

  1. Cylinder

  2. Plate

  3. Sphere

  4. Tube Banks

How to use

It is recommended that the module be imported as from pychemengg import externalflow as extflow

The following examples demonstrate how the module externalflow` can be used to solve heat transfer problems.


Example 1: Tube bank heat rate

Example 1. A gas is to be heated from 20 C using a tube bank where tubes are at a surface temperature of 120 C. The gas enters at 4.5 m/s velocity and 1 atm. The tubes are arranged in “inline” configuration. Tubes have an outer diameter of 1.5 cm, and longitudanal and transverse pitches are 5 cm. There are 6 rows in the direction of gas flow, and there are 10 tubes per row. Calculate the heat rate per unit length of tubes and pressure drop in the tube bank. Ans: Heat rate=2.56e4 W


To solve this problem, an iterative procedure is required, where, the outlet temperature is assumed, next mean bulk temperature is calculated, then gas properties are determined and finally outlet temperature is computed, which is then verified against the guess value. However, for demonstration purposes, only the final iteration is shown with bulk temperature = 25 C

Use the following gas properties:

At 25 C: density = 1.184 kg/m3, specific heat = 1007J/kgK, thermal conductivity = 0.02551 W/m K, viscosity = 1.849e-5 kg/ms,

Pr at 120 C = 0.7073

At 20 C (inlet): density = 1.204 kg/m3

from pychemengg.heattransfer import externalflow as extflow
import math

# Model the system with TubeBank.
bank = extflow.TubeBank(config="inline", totalrows=6,
                        tubes_per_row=10, transverse_pitch=5e-2,
                        longitudanal_pitch=5e-2, length=1,
                        outer_tubediameter=1.5e-2, T_infinity=20,

bank.set_fluid_properties(density=1.184, viscosity=1.849e-5, specificheat=1007,
                    thermalconductivity=0.02551, density_surface=None,
                    viscosity_surface=None, specificheat_surface=None,


# Calculate max velocity.
maxvelocity = bank.calc_maxvelocity()

#Calculate Reynolds number.
Re = bank.calc_Re()

#Calculate Prandtl number
Pr = bank.calc_Pr()

#Calculate Nusselt number.
Nu = bank.calc_Nu()

# Calculate heat transfer coefficient.
h = Nu * bank.thermalconductivity / bank.outer_tubediameter

# Heat transfer using convection formula.
# q_conv =  h * area * LMTD

area = (math.pi * bank.outer_tubediameter * bank.length
        * bank.tubes_per_row * bank.totalrows)
from pychemengg.heattransfer import commonmethods as hcm
LMTD = hcm.calc_LMTD((120-25), (120-25))

q_conv = h * area * LMTD
print(f"Heat transferred = {q_conv: .3e} W/m")

# Find T_out using : q_internalenergy = q_conv
# calc_internalenergychange() is available in commonmethods.
# To find q_internalenergy mass is required.
# Use mass flow rate = volumetric flowrate * density at T_in
density_T_in = 1.204
area_crosssection_at_inlet = bank.tubes_per_row * bank.transverse_pitch
massin =  density_T_in * bank.velocity_infinity * area_crosssection_at_inlet
T_out = 20 + q_conv/massin/bank.specificheat
# T_out turns to be = 29.4 C
# T_bulk  = (20 + 29.4)/2 = 24.7, which is close to 25 C

Heat transferred =  2.563e+04 W/m