Source code for pychemengg.heattransfer.internalflow

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Contains correlations to find Nusselt number
for INTERNAL flow

import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
import warnings

__all__ = ["CircularTube"]

[docs]class CircularTube: r""" For heat transfer from fluid flow through a circular tube. Parameters ---------- `None_required` : 'None' This class takes no parameters for instance creation. Attributes ---------- `None_required` : 'None' This class does not expose any instance attributes. Examples -------- First import the module **internalflow**. >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import internalflow as intflow >>> tube = intflow.CircularTube # This will assign the class 'CircularTube' to the variable 'tube'. # Methods of the class 'CircularTube' can then be called like so :- # tube.method(kwarg1=x, ...) """
[docs] def Nu_uniformheatflux_laminar(self): r""" Nusselt number for laminar flow in tube with constant heat flux. Parameters ---------- `None_required` : 'None' Returns ------- Nu : `float` Nusselt number = 4.36 Notes ----- The following formula is used: .. math:: Nu = 4.36 Examples -------- First import the module **internalflow**. >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import internalflow as intflow >>> tube = intflow.CircularTube() >>> tube.Nu_uniformheatflux_laminar() 4.36 References ---------- [1] Yunus A. Cengel and Afshin J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ return 4.36
[docs] def Nu_constantsurfacetemp_laminar(self): r""" Nusselt number for laminar flow in tube (constant tube surface temperature). Parameters ---------- `None_required` : 'None' Returns ------- Nu : `float` Nusselt number = 3.36 Notes ----- The following formula is used: .. math:: Nu = 3.36 Examples -------- First import the module **internalflow**. >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import internalflow as intflow >>> tube = intflow.CircularTube() >>> tube.Nu_constantsurfacetemp_laminar() 3.36 References ---------- [1] Yunus A. Cengel and Afshin J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ return 3.66
[docs] def Nu_thermallydeveloping_laminar_edwards(self, Re=None, Pr=None, length=None, diameter=None): r"""Nusselt number for thermally developing laminar flow and constant tube surface temperature. Parameters ---------- Re : `int or float` Reynolds number for tube/pipe Pr : `int or float` Prandtl number for the fluid. length : `int or float` Length of tube diameter : `int or float` Diameter of tube Returns ------- Nu : `int or float` Average Nusselt number Notes ----- The following formula is used: .. math:: Nu = 3.66 + \cfrac {0.065 (D/L) Re Pr} {1 + 0.04[(D/L) Re Pr]^{2/3}} *where:* Re = Reynolds number Pr = Prandtl number D = Pipe inner diameter L = Pipe length :math:`Re < 2300` (for laminar flow) All fluid properties are at bulk mean temp (:math:`T_{b}`): :math:`T_{b} = (T_{fluid,in} + T_{fluid,out})/2` except :math:`\mu_{surface}` Warnings -------- A Nusselt number is returned based on the equation even if parameters (such as *Re*, *Pr*) do not fall in their respective allowable range limits (see above under 'Notes'). However, if this happens, a warning is issued. Examples -------- First import the module **internalflow**. >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import internalflow as intflow >>> tube = intflow.CircularTube() >>> tube.Nu_thermallydeveloping_laminar_edwards(Re=77.16, Pr=28750, length=1500, diameter=0.4) 13.729061335098443 References ---------- [1] Yunus A. Cengel and Afshin J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ term1 = diameter/length*Re*Pr Nu = 3.66 + (0.065*term1)/(1+0.04*np.power(term1, 2/3)) if not (Re < 2300): warnings.warn("Flow is not laminar. Re is not within range. ") return Nu
[docs] def Nu_thermallyandhydrodynamicallydeveloping_laminar_siedertate(self, Re=None, Pr=None, length=None, diameter=None, viscosity_bulk=None, viscosity_surface=None): r"""Nusselt number for thermally developing and hydrodynamically developing laminar flow and constant tube surface temperature. Parameters ---------- Re : `int or float` Reynolds number for tube/pipe Pr : `int or float` Prandtl number for the fluid. length : `int or float` Length of tube diameter : `int or float` Diameter of tube viscosity_bulk : `int or float` fluid viscosity at bulk temperature viscosity_surface : `int or float` fluid viscosity at surface temperature Returns ------- Nu : `int or float` Average Nusselt number Notes ----- The following formula is used: .. math:: Nu = 1.86 \left(\frac{Re Pr D} {L}\right)^{1/3} \left(\frac{\mu_{bulk}} {\mu_{surface}}\right)^{0.14} *where:* Re = Reynolds number Pr = Prandtl number D = Pipe inner diameter L = Pipe length :math:`\mu_{bulk}` = viscosity at bulk temperature :math:`\mu_{surface}` = viscosity at surface temperature :math:`Re < 2300` (for laminar flow) :math:`0.6 \eqslantless Pr \eqslantless 5` :math:`0.0044 \eqslantless \left(\frac{\mu_{bulk}} {\mu_{surface}}\right) \eqslantless 9.75` All fluid properties are at bulk mean temp (:math:`T_{b}`): :math:`T_{b} = (T_{fluid,in} + T_{fluid,out})/2` except :math:`\mu_{surface}` is at surface temperature Warnings -------- A Nusselt number is returned based on the equation even if parameters (such as *Re*, *Pr*) do not fall in their respective allowable range limits (see above under 'Notes'). However, if this happens, a warning is issued. Examples -------- First import the module **internalflow**. >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import internalflow as intflow >>> tube = intflow.CircularTube() >>> tube.Nu_thermallyandhydrodynamicallydeveloping_laminar_siedertate(Re=1390, Pr=0.7228, length=0.1, diameter=0.005, viscosity_bulk=1.963, viscosity_surface=2.420) 6.664822962495227 References ---------- [1] Yunus A. Cengel and Afshin J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ Nu = 1.86 * np.power(Re*Pr*diameter/length, 1/3) * np.power(viscosity_bulk/viscosity_surface, 0.14) if not (Re < 2300): warnings.warn("Flow is not laminar. Re is not within range. ") if not (0.6<=Pr<=5): warnings.warn("Pr is not within range.") if not (0.0044<=(viscosity_bulk/viscosity_surface)<=9.75): warnings.warn("Ratio of viscosity_bulk to viscosity_surface" " is not within range.") return Nu
[docs] def Nu_dittusboelter(self, Re=None, Pr=None, thermal_ID="heated"): r"""Nusselt number for turbulent flow constant tube surface temperature. Parameters ---------- Re : `int or float` Reynolds number for tube/pipe Pr : `int or float` Prandtl number for the fluid. thermal_ID : `str` Identifier for whether fluid is being "heated" or "cooled". Default = "heated" Returns ------- Nu : `int or float` Average Nusselt number Notes ----- The following formula is used: .. math:: Nu = 0.023 Re^{0.8} Pr^{n} *where:* n = 0.3 when fluid is "cooled" = 0.4 when fluid is "heated" Re = Reynolds number Pr = Prandtl number :math:`Re > 10000` (for turbulent flow) All fluid properties are at bulk mean temp (:math:`T_{b}`): :math:`T_{b} = (T_{fluid,in} + T_{fluid,out})/2` Warnings -------- A Nusselt number is returned based on the equation even if parameters (such as *Re*, *Pr*) do not fall in their respective allowable range limits (see above under 'Notes'). However, if this happens, a warning is issued. Examples -------- First import the module **internalflow**. >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import internalflow as intflow >>> tube = intflow.CircularTube() >>> tube.Nu_dittusboelter(Re=10760, Pr=4.32, thermal_ID="heated") 69.40186669836865 References ---------- [1] Yunus A. Cengel and Afshin J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ if thermal_ID == "heated": Nu = 0.023 * np.power(Re, 0.8) * np.power(Pr, 0.4) if thermal_ID == "cooled": Nu = 0.023 * np.power(Re, 0.8) * np.power(Pr, 0.3) if not (Re>=10000): warnings.warn("Flow is not turbulent. Re is not within range.") return Nu
[docs] def Nu_siedertate(self, Re=None, Pr=None, viscosity_bulk=None, viscosity_surfaceace=None): r"""Nusselt number for turbulent flow constant tube surface temperature. Use when temperature differences are large. Parameters ---------- Re : `int or float` Reynolds number for tube/pipe Pr : `int or float` Prandtl number for the fluid. viscosity_bulk : `int or float` fluid viscosity at bulk temperature viscosity_surface : `int or float` fluid viscosity at surface temperature Returns ------- Nu : `int or float` Average Nusselt number Notes ----- The following formula is used: .. math:: Nu = 0.027 Re^{0.8} Pr^{1/3} \left( \frac {\mu_{bulk}} {\mu_{surface}} \right)^{0.14} *where:* Re = Reynolds number Pr = Prandtl number :math:`\mu_{bulk}` = viscosity at bulk temperature :math:`\mu_{surface}` = viscosity at surface temperature :math:`Re > 10000` (for turbulent flow) :math:`0.7 \eqslantless Pr \eqslantless 16700` All fluid properties are at bulk mean temp (:math:`T_{b}`): :math:`T_{b} = (T_{fluid,in} + T_{fluid,out})/2` except :math:`\mu_{surface}` is at surface temperature Warnings -------- A Nusselt number is returned based on the equation even if parameters (such as *Re*, *Pr*) do not fall in their respective allowable range limits (see above under 'Notes'). However, if this happens, a warning is issued. Examples -------- First import the module **internalflow**. >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import internalflow as intflow >>> tube = intflow.CircularTube() >>> tube.Nu_siedertate(self, Re=2.04e5, Pr=3.02, viscosity_bulk=4.71, viscosity_surfaceace=2.82) 741.7512113817678 References ---------- [1] Yunus A. Cengel and Afshin J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. [2] M. N. Ozisik, "Heat Transfer A Basic Approach", McGraw Hill, 1985. """ Nu = 0.027 * np.power(Re, 0.8) * np.power(Pr, 1/3) * np.power(viscosity_bulk/viscosity_surfaceace, 0.14) if not (Re>=10000): warnings.warn("Flow is not turbulent. Re is not within range.") if not (0.7<=Pr<=16700): warnings.warn("Pr is not within range.") return Nu
[docs] def Nu_gnielinski(self, Re=None, Pr=None): r"""Nusselt number for turbulent flow constant tube surface temperature. A more accurate correlation. Parameters ---------- Re : `int or float` Reynolds number for tube/pipe Pr : `int or float` Prandtl number for the fluid. Returns ------- Nu : `int or float` Average Nusselt number Notes ----- The following formula is used: .. math:: Nu = \cfrac{(f/8) (Re-1000) Pr}{ 1+12.7(f/8)^{0.5} (Pr^{2/3}-1)} *where:* Re = Reynolds number Pr = Prandtl number f = friction factor (can be determined from different correlations. Here following 'Petukhov' correlation is used.) :math:`f=(0.790 \ln Re - 1.64)^{-2}` (Petukhov correlation) :math:`3*10^3\eqslantless Re \eqslantless 5*10^6` (for turbulent flow) :math:`0.5 \eqslantless Pr \eqslantless 2000` All fluid properties are at bulk mean temp (:math:`T_{b}`): :math:`T_{b} = (T_{fluid,in} + T_{fluid,out})/2` Warnings -------- A Nusselt number is returned based on the equation even if parameters (such as *Re*, *Pr*) do not fall in their respective allowable range limits (see above under 'Notes'). However, if this happens, a warning is issued. Examples -------- First import the module **internalflow**. >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import internalflow as intflow >>> tube = intflow.CircularTube() >>> tube.Nu_siedertate(Re=2.04e5, Pr=3.02, viscosity_bulk=4.71, viscosity_surfaceace=2.82) 741.7512113817678 References ---------- [1] Yunus A. Cengel and Afshin J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. [2] M. N. Ozisik, "Heat Transfer A Basic Approach", McGraw Hill, 1985. """ f = np.power(0.79*np.log(Re) - 1.64, -2) num = (f/8)*(Re-1000)*Pr denom = 1 + 12.7*np.power(f/8, 0.5)*(np.power(Pr,2/3)-1) Nu = num/denom if not (3e3<=Re<=5e6): warnings.warn("Re is not within range.") if not (0.5<=Pr<=2000): warnings.warn("Pr is not within range.") return Nu
[docs] def Nu_annulus_laminar(self, outerannulus_diameter=None, innerannulus_diameter=None, findNUat_ID="innerannulus_diameter"): r"""Nusselt number for laminar flow in annulus (one surface is isothermal and other adiabatic) Parameters ---------- outerannulus_diameter : `int or float` Outer annulus diameter for fluid flow. innerannulus_diameter : `int or float` Inner annulus diameter for fluid flow. findNUat_ID : `str` Annulus diameter where Nu is to be found. Default = "innerannulus_diameter", second option = "outerannulus_diameter" Returns ------- Nu : `int or float` Average Nusselt number Notes ----- A look table is provided in textbooks with ratio of outerannulus_diameter/innerannulus_diameter in one column and Nu_at_innerannulus_diameter and Nu_at_outerannulus_diameter in other two columns. This table is implemented and values are interpolated as required. Examples -------- First import the module **internalflow**. >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import internalflow as intflow >>> tube = intflow.CircularTube() >>> tube.Nu_annulus_laminar(outerannulus_diameter=0.1, innerannulus_diameter=0.025, findNUat_ID="innerannulus_diameter") 741.7512113817678 References ---------- [1] Yunus A. Cengel and Afshin J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ di_do_vals = np.array([0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1]) Nu_i_vals = np.array([np.nan, 17.46, 11.56, 7.37, 5.74, 4.86]) Nu_o_vals = np.array([3.66, 4.06, 4.11, 4.23, 4.43, 4.86]) fxn_Nu_i = interpolate.interp1d(di_do_vals, Nu_i_vals) fxn_Nu_o = interpolate.interp1d(di_do_vals, Nu_o_vals) if findNUat_ID=="innerannulus_diameter": Nu = fxn_Nu_i(innerannulus_diameter/outerannulus_diameter) if findNUat_ID=="outerannulus_diameter": Nu = fxn_Nu_o(innerannulus_diameter/outerannulus_diameter) if np.isnan(Nu): print("For inner to outer annulus diameter ratio of " "< 0.05, data for 'Nu' is not available") else: return float(Nu) # Nu is an np.array of float.
# Convert to Python float type before returning.
[docs] def Nu_liquidmetal_isothermal(self, Re=None, Pr_surface=None): r"""Nusselt number for liquid metals (isothermal case). Parameters ---------- Re : `int or float` Reynolds number. Pr_surface : `int or float` Prandtl number at surface temperature. Returns ------- Nu : `int or float` Average Nusselt number Notes ----- The following formula is used: .. math:: Nu = 4.8 + 0.0156 Re^{0.85} Pr_{surface}^{0.93} *where:* Re = Reynolds number :math:`Pr_{surface}` = Prandtl number at surface temperature :math:`10^4\eqslantless Re \eqslantless 10^6` (for turbulent flow) :math:`0.004 \eqslantless Pr \eqslantless 0.01` All fluid properties are at bulk mean temp (:math:`T_{b}`): :math:`T_{b} = (T_{fluid,in} + T_{fluid,out})/2` except :math:`\Pr_{surface}` is at surface temperature Examples -------- First import the module **internalflow**. >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import internalflow as intflow >>> tube = intflow.CircularTube() >>> tube. Nu_liquidmetal_isothermal(Re=13570, Pr_surface=0.0119) 5.624282620227201 References ---------- [1] Yunus A. Cengel and Afshin J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ Nu = 4.8 + 0.0156*np.power(Re,0.85)*np.power(Pr_surface, 0.93) if not (1e4<=Re<=1e6): warnings.warn("Re is not within range.") return Nu
[docs] def Nu_liquidmetal_constflux(self, Re=None, Pr_surface=None): r"""Nusselt number for liquid metals (constant flux case). Parameters ---------- Re : `int or float` Reynolds number. Pr_surface : `int or float` Prandtl number at surface temperature. Returns ------- Nu : `int or float` Average Nusselt number. Notes ----- The following formula is used: .. math:: Nu = 6.3 + 0.0167 Re^{0.85} Pr_{surface}^{0.93} *where:* Re = Reynolds number :math:`Pr_{surface}` = Prandtl number at surface temperature :math:`10^4\eqslantless Re \eqslantless 10^6` (for turbulent flow) :math:`0.004 \eqslantless Pr \eqslantless 0.01` All fluid properties are at bulk mean temp (:math:`T_{b}`): :math:`T_{b} = (T_{fluid,in} + T_{fluid,out})/2` except :math:`\Pr_{surface}` is at surface temperature Examples -------- First import the module **internalflow**. >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import internalflow as intflow >>> tube = intflow.CircularTube() >>> tube.Nu_liquidmetal_constflux(Re=13570, Pr_surface=0.0119) 7.182405112679119 References ---------- [1] Yunus A. Cengel and Afshin J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ Nu = 6.3 + 0.0167*np.power(Re,0.85)*np.power(Pr_surface, 0.93) if not (1e4<=Re<=1e6): warnings.warn("Re is not within range.") return Nu
[docs] def pressuredrop(self, length=None, diameter=None, frictionfactor=None, density=None, velocity=None): r"""Computes pressure drop for flow in a pipe. Parameters ---------- length : `int or float` Length of pipe. diameter : `int or float` Diameter of pipe. frictionfactor: `int or float` Friction factor of flowing fluid in pipe. density : `int or float` Density of fluid. velocity : `int or float` Velocity of fluid in pipe. Returns ------- pressure drop : `int or float` Pressure drop from flowing fluid in pipe Notes ----- The following formula is used: .. math:: \Delta P = f \frac{L}{D} \frac{\rho V_{avg}^2}{2} *where:* :math:`\rho` = density :math:`V_{avg}` = average velocity L = pipe length D = pipe inner diameter f = friction factor :math:`\Delta P` = pressure drop in pipe All fluid properties are at bulk mean temp (:math:`T_{b}`): :math:`T_{b} = (T_{fluid,in} + T_{fluid,out})/2` Examples -------- First import the module **internalflow**. >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import internalflow as intflow >>> tube = intflow.CircularTube() >>> tube.pressuredrop(length=200, diameter=0.3, frictionfactor=0.1006, density=888.1, velocity=2) 119123.81333333332 References ---------- [1] Yunus A. Cengel and Afshin J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ return frictionfactor *length/diameter/2*density*velocity**2
[docs] def frictionfactor_laminar(self, Re=None): r"""Computes friction factor for laminar flow in a pipe. Parameters ---------- Re : `int or float` Reynolds number Returns ------- friction factor : `int or float` Friction factor for flowing fluid in pipe Notes ----- The following formula is used: .. math:: f = \frac{64}{Re} *where:* Re = Reynolds number f = friction factor :math:`Re < 2300` (for laminar flow) All fluid properties are at bulk mean temp (:math:`T_{b}`): :math:`T_{b} = (T_{fluid,in} + T_{fluid,out})/2` Warnings -------- A friction factor is returned based on the equation even if parameters (such as *Re*) do not fall in their respective allowable range limits (see above under 'Notes'). However, if this happens, a warning is issued. Examples -------- First import the module **internalflow**. >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import internalflow as intflow >>> tube = intflow.CircularTube() >>> tube.frictionfactor_laminar(636) 0.10062893081761007 References ---------- [1] Yunus A. Cengel and Afshin J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ if not (Re<2300): warnings.warn("Flow is not laminar." " Re is not within range.") return 64/Re
[docs] def frictionfactor_turbulent(self, Re=None, diameter=None, roughness=None, surfacetype=None): r"""Computes friction factor for turbulent flow in a pipe. Parameters ---------- Re : `int or float` Reynolds number. diameter : `int or float` Inner diameter of pipe. roughness : `int or float` Roughness of pipe. surfacetype : `str` Indicates if surface is to be considered "rough" or "smooth". At least one of the two must be entered. Returns ------- friction factor : `int or float` Friction factor for flowing fluid in pipe Notes ----- The following formula is used: for "smooth" surface .. math:: f=(0.790 \ln Re - 1.64)^{-2} \hspace{5pt}(Petukhov\hspace{5pt}correlation) for "rough surface" .. math:: \frac{1}{\sqrt{f}} = ( -2.0 \log_{10} \left( \frac{\epsilon /D}{3.7} + \frac{2.51}{Re \sqrt{f}}\right) \hspace{5pt}(Colebrook\hspace{5pt}correlation) *where:* Re = Reynolds number f = friction factor :math:`\epsilon` = surface roughness of inside of pipes All fluid properties are at bulk mean temp (:math:`T_{b}`): :math:`T_{b} = (T_{fluid,in} + T_{fluid,out})/2` Warnings -------- A friction factor is returned based on the equation even if parameters (such as *Re*) do not fall in their respective allowable range limits (see above under 'Notes'). However, if this happens, a warning is issued. Examples -------- First import the module **internalflow**. >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import internalflow as intflow >>> tube = intflow.CircularTube() >>> tube.frictionfactor_turbulent(Re=126400, diameter=2/12, roughness=7e-6, surfacetype="rough") 0.017397627070796194 References ---------- [1] Yunus A. Cengel and Afshin J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ correctchoice = ["rough", "smooth"] if surfacetype not in correctchoice: print("You must enter 'surfacetype as 'smooth' OR 'rough'") frictionfactor = None elif surfacetype == "smooth": # Petukhov equation frictionfactor = np.power((0.79*np.log(Re) - 1.64),-2) elif surfacetype == "rough": def colebrook(f): f=f+0.j LHS = 1/np.power(f, 0.5) RHS = -2*np.log10(roughness/diameter/3.7 + 2.51/Re/np.power(f,0.5)) return (LHS-RHS).real f = fsolve(colebrook, 0.05) frictionfactor = f[0] if not (Re>2300): warnings.warn("Flow is not turbulent." " Re is not within range.") return frictionfactor
[docs] def hydrodynamic_entrylength_laminar(self, Re=None, diameter=None): r"""Computes laminar hydrodynamic entry length. Parameters ---------- Re : `int or float` Reynolds number. diameter : `int or float` Inner diameter of pipe. Returns ------- entry length : `int or float` Hydrodynamic entry length. Notes ----- The following formula is used: .. math:: L_{h} = 0.05 Re D *where:* Re = Reynolds number D = internal diameter of pipe :math:`L_h` = hydrodynamic entry length All fluid properties are at bulk mean temp (:math:`T_{b}`): :math:`T_{b} = (T_{fluid,in} + T_{fluid,out})/2` Warnings -------- A friction factor is returned based on the equation even if parameters (such as *Re*) do not fall in their respective allowable range limits (see above under 'Notes'). However, if this happens, a warning is issued. Examples -------- First import the module **internalflow**. >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import internalflow as intflow >>> tube = intflow.CircularTube() >>> tube.hydrodynamic_entrylength_laminar(Re=636, diameter=0.3) 9.54 References ---------- [1] Yunus A. Cengel and Afshin J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ if not (Re<2300): warnings.warn("Flow is not laminar." " Re is not within range.") return 0.05*Re*diameter
[docs] def hydrodynamic_entrylength_turbulent(self, diameter=None): r"""Computes turbulent hydrodynamic entry length. Parameters ---------- diameter : `int or float` Inner diameter of pipe. Returns ------- entry length : `int or float` Hydrodynamic entry length. Notes ----- The following formula is used: .. math:: L_{h} = 10 D *where:* D = internal diameter of pipe :math:`L_h` = hydrodynamic entry length Examples -------- First import the module **internalflow**. >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import internalflow as intflow >>> tube = intflow.CircularTube() >>> tube.hydrodynamic_entrylength_turbulent(diameter=0.03) 0.3 References ---------- [1] Yunus A. Cengel and Afshin J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ return 10*diameter
[docs] def thermal_entrylength_laminar(self, Re=None, Pr=None, diameter=None): r"""Computes laminar thermal entry length. Parameters ---------- Re : `int or float` Reynolds number. Pr : `int or float` Prandtl number. diameter : `int or float` Inner diameter of pipe. Returns ------- entry length : `int or float` Thermal entry length. Notes ----- The following formula is used: .. math:: L_{t} = 0.05 Re Pr D *where:* Re = Reynolds number Pr = Prandtl number D = internal diameter of pipe :math:`L_t` = thermal entry length All fluid properties are at bulk mean temp (:math:`T_{b}`): :math:`T_{b} = (T_{fluid,in} + T_{fluid,out})/2` Warnings -------- A friction factor is returned based on the equation even if parameters (such as *Re*) do not fall in their respective allowable range limits (see above under 'Notes'). However, if this happens, a warning is issued. Examples -------- First import the module **internalflow**. >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import internalflow as intflow >>> tube = intflow.CircularTube() >>> tube.thermal_entrylength_laminar(Re=636, Pr=10863, diameter=0.3) 103633.02 References ---------- [1] Yunus A. Cengel and Afshin J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ if not (Re<2300): warnings.warn("Flow is not laminar." " Re is not within range.") return 0.05*Re*Pr*diameter
[docs] def thermal_entrylength_turbulent(self, diameter=None): r"""Computes turbulent thermal entry length. Parameters ---------- diameter : `int or float` Inner diameter of pipe. Returns ------- entry length : `int or float` Hydrodynamic entry length. Notes ----- The following formula is used: .. math:: L_{t} = 10 D *where:* D = internal diameter of pipe :math:`L_t` = thermal entry length Examples -------- First import the module **internalflow**. >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import internalflow as intflow >>> tube = intflow.CircularTube() >>> tube.thermal_entrylength_turbulent(diameter=0.03) 0.3 References ---------- [1] Yunus A. Cengel and Afshin J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ return 10*diameter