Source code for pychemengg.heattransfer.transient

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Module for transient/unsteady state heat transfer.

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import brentq
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from scipy.special import j0
from scipy.special import j1
from scipy.special import erfc

__all__ = ["LumpedSystem", "NonLumpedSlab", "NonLumpedCylinder",
           "NonLumpedSphere", "SemiInfinite"]


[docs]class LumpedSystem(): r""" Model for lumped system analysis. Parameters ---------- surfacearea : `int or float` Surface area of solid object. volume : `int or float` Volume of solid object. density : `int or float` Density of solid object. specificheat : `int or float` Specific heat of solid object. thermalconductivity : `int or float` Thermal conductivity of solid object. heattransfercoefficient : `int or float` Heat transfer coefficient between solid object and surrounding. T_infinity : `int or float` Temperature of surroundings. T_initial : `int or float` Temperature of solid object at time = 0. Attributes ---------- See "Parameters". All parameters are attributes. Additional attributes are listed below. mass : `int or float` Mass of solid object computed as (volume * density) of solid object. characteristiclength : `int or float` Characteristic length of object computed as (volume/surface area) of object. Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> plate = transient.LumpedSystem(thermalconductivity=180, density=2800, specificheat=880, T_initial=700, T_infinity=15, heattransfercoefficient=53, surfacearea=2*1, volume=1*2e-2) # This will create an instance of 'LumpedSystem' with a name 'plate' """
[docs] def __init__(self, surfacearea=None, volume=None, density=None, specificheat=None, thermalconductivity=None, heattransfercoefficient=None, T_infinity=None, T_initial=None): # assign self.surfacearea = surfacearea self.volume = volume self.density=density self.specificheat=specificheat self.thermalconductivity = thermalconductivity self.heattransfercoefficient=heattransfercoefficient self.T_infinity=T_infinity self.T_initial=T_initial # calculate self.mass = self.volume * self.density self.characteristiclength = self.volume/self.surfacearea
[docs] def calc_Bi(self): r"""Computes Biot number. Parameters ---------- None_required : `None` Attributes that are already defined are used in calculation. Returns ------- Bi : `int or float` Biot number Notes ----- Biot number is calculated using the following formula. .. math:: Bi = \frac {h L_{c}} {k} *where:* *h = heat transfer coefficient* *k = thermal conductivity of solid object* :math:`L_c` *= characteristic length of solid object* *Bi = Biot number* Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> plate = transient.LumpedSystem(thermalconductivity=180, density=2800, specificheat=880, T_initial=700, T_infinity=15, heattransfercoefficient=53, surfacearea=2*1, volume=1*2e-2) # This will create an instance of 'LumpedSystem' with a name 'plate' # Next call calc_Bi >>> plate.calc_Bi() 0.0029444444444444444 References ---------- [1] Y. A. Cengel and A. J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ self.Bi = (self.heattransfercoefficient * self.characteristiclength / self.thermalconductivity) return self.Bi
[docs] def calc_temperature_of_solid_at_time_t(self, time=None): r"""Temperature of solid object at a given time = t. Parameters ---------- time : `int or float` Time instant from begining of process, at which temperature of solid object is to be found. Returns ------- temperature : `int or float` Temperature of solid object at time = t Notes ----- Temperature of solid object at time = t is calculated using the following formula: .. math:: T(t) = T_{infinity} + (T_{initial} - T_{infinity}) e^{-bt} *where:* :math:`T_{infinity}` *= temperature of surrounding fluid* :math:`T_{initial}` *= intitial temperature of solid object* :math:`b = \frac{hA_s}{\rho V C_p}` *t = time at which temperature is to be computed* where: *h = heat transfer coefficient* :math:`A_s` *= surface area of solid object* :math:`\rho` *= density of solid object* *V = volume of solid object* :math:`C_p` *= specific heat of solid object* Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> plate = transient.LumpedSystem(thermalconductivity=180, density=2800, specificheat=880, T_initial=700, T_infinity=15, heattransfercoefficient=53, surfacearea=2*1, volume=1*2e-2) # This will create an instance of 'LumpedSystem' with a name 'plate' # Let temperature at time = 60 s after start of the process be needed. # Next call the following >>> plate.calc_temperature_of_solid_at_time_t(time=60s) 617.0619799301729 References ---------- [1] Y. A. Cengel and A. J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ b = ((self.heattransfercoefficient * self.surfacearea) / (self.density*self.volume*self.specificheat)) # unit of b is 1/time solidtemp_at_time_t = (self.T_infinity + (self.T_initial-self.T_infinity)*np.exp(-b*time+0j)) return solidtemp_at_time_t.real
[docs] def calc_heatrateof_conv_at_time_t(self, time=None): r"""Heat rate of convection between object and surroundings at a given time = t. Parameters ---------- time : `int or float` Time instant from begining of process, at which heat rate is to be found. Returns ------- heat rate of convection : `int or float; Positive: Heat is gained by object, Negative: Heat is lost by object` Heat rate of convection between solid object and surroundings at time = t. Notes ----- Heat rate is calculated using the following formula: .. math:: q_{t} = h A_s (T_{infinity} - T_{t}) *where:* *t = time at which temperature is to be computed* *h = heat transfer coefficient* :math:`T_{infinity}` *= temperature of surrounding fluid* :math:`T_{t}` *= temperature of solid object at time = t* :math:`A_s` *= surface area of solid object* :math:`q_{t}` *= heat rate at time = t* Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> plate = transient.LumpedSystem(thermalconductivity=180, density=2800, specificheat=880, T_initial=700, T_infinity=15, heattransfercoefficient=53, surfacearea=2*1, volume=1*2e-2) # This will create an instance of 'LumpedSystem' with a name 'plate' # Let temperature at time = 60 s after start of the process be needed. # Next call the following >>> plate.calc_heatrateof_conv_at_time_t(time=60) -63818.56987259833 # negative value indicates heat is being lost by the solid object References ---------- [1] Y. A. Cengel and A. J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ q_rate = (self.heattransfercoefficient * self.surfacearea *(self.calc_temperature_of_solid_at_time_t(time=time) - self.T_infinity)) return q_rate
[docs] def calc_totalheat_transferred_during_interval_t(self, time=None): r"""Heat transferred between solid object and surroundings during time interval = 0 to t. Parameters ---------- time : `int or float` Time-limit after start of process for which heat transferred is to be computed. Returns ------- total heat transferred : `int or float; Positive: Heat is gained by object, Negative: Heat is lost by object` Total heat transferred between object and surroundings during interval 0 to t Notes ----- Total heat transferred in interval 0 to t is calculated using the following formula: .. math:: q_{0 \to t} = m C_p (T_{t} - T_{inintial}) *where:* *t = time marking the interval [0, t] for which heat transferred is to be computed* *m = mass of object* :math:`C_{p}` *= specific heat of object* :math:`T_{t}` *= temperature of object at time = t* :math:`T_{initial}` *= temperature of object at time = 0* :math:`q_{0 \to t}` *= heat transferred in interval [0, t]* Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> plate = transient.LumpedSystem(thermalconductivity=180, density=2800, specificheat=880, T_initial=700, T_infinity=15, heattransfercoefficient=53, surfacearea=2*1, volume=1*2e-2) # This will create an instance of 'LumpedSystem' with a name 'plate' # Let heat transferred in time = 60 s after start of the process be needed. # Next call the following >>> plate.calc_totalheat_transferred_during_interval_t(time=60) -4087185.6290410785 # negative value indicates heat is being lost by the solid object References ---------- [1] Y. A. Cengel and A. J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ qtotal = (self.mass * self.specificheat * (self.calc_temperature_of_solid_at_time_t(time=time) - self.T_initial)) return qtotal
[docs] def calc_maxheattransferpossible(self): r"""Maximum possible heat transfer between solid object and surroundings. Parameters ---------- None_required : `None` This class takes no parameters for instance creation. Returns ------- maximum heat transfer possible: `int or float; Positive: Heat is gained by object, Negative: Heat is lost by object` Maximum heat transfer posssible between object and surroundings Notes ----- Maximum heat transfer possible between solid object and surroundings is calculated using the following formula. This is based on the assumption that final object temperature will eventually reach surrounding temperature of :math:`T_{infinity}` .. math:: q_{max} = m C_p (T_{infinity} - T_{initial}) *where:* *m = mass of solid object* :math:`C_{p}` *= specific heat of solid object* :math:`T_{infinity}` *= temperature of surrounding, which the solid object will eventually attain* :math:`T_{initial}` *= temperature of solid object at time = initial* :math:`q_{max}` *= max heat transfer possible* Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> plate = transient.LumpedSystem(thermalconductivity=180, density=2800, specificheat=880, T_initial=700, T_infinity=15, heattransfercoefficient=53, surfacearea=2*1, volume=1*2e-2) # This will create an instance of 'LumpedSystem' with a name 'plate' # Next call the following >>> plate.calc_maxheattransferpossible() -33756800.0 # negative value indicates heat is being lost by the solid object References ---------- [1] Y. A. Cengel and A. J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ qtotal_max = self.mass * self.specificheat * (self.T_infinity - self.T_initial) return qtotal_max
[docs]class NonLumpedSlab(): r""" Model for nonlumped analysis of rectangular solid object. Parameters ---------- thickness : `int or float` Thickness of solid object surfacearea : `int or float` Surface area of solid object. volume : `int or float` Volume of solid object. density : `int or float` Density of solid object. specificheat : `int or float` Specific heat of solid object. thermalconductivity : `int or float` Thermal conductivity of solid object. thermaldiffusivity : `int or float` Thermal diffusivity of solid object. heattransfercoefficient : `int or float` Heat transfer coefficient between solid object and surrounding. T_infinity : `int or float` Temperature of surroundings. T_initial : `int or float` Temperature of solid object at time = 0. Attributes ---------- See "Parameters". All parameters are attributes. Additional attributes are listed below. mass : `int or float` Mass of solid object computed as (volume * density) of solid object. Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> plate = transient.NonLumpedSlab(thickness=4e-2, surfacearea=1, volume=1*4e-2, density=8530, specificheat=380, thermalconductivity=110, thermaldiffusivity=None, heattransfercoefficient=120, T_infinity=500, T_initial=20) # This will create an instance of 'NonLumpedSlab' with a name 'plate' """
[docs] def __init__(self, thickness=None, surfacearea=None, volume=None, density=None, specificheat=None, thermalconductivity=None, thermaldiffusivity=None, heattransfercoefficient=None, T_infinity=None, T_initial=None): # assign self.thickness = thickness self.surfacearea=surfacearea self.volume=volume self.density=density self.specificheat=specificheat self.thermalconductivity = thermalconductivity self.heattransfercoefficient=heattransfercoefficient self.T_infinity=T_infinity self.T_initial=T_initial # calculate mass if self.density is not None: self.mass = self.volume * self.density # calculate thermal diffusivity if (self.density is not None) and (self.specificheat is not None): self.thermaldiffusivity = self.thermalconductivity/self.density/self.specificheat else: if thermaldiffusivity is not None: self.thermaldiffusivity = thermaldiffusivity
[docs] def calc_Bi(self): r"""Computes Biot number. Parameters ---------- None_required : `None` Attributes that are already defined are used in calculation. Returns ------- Bi : `int or float` Biot number Notes ----- Biot number is calculated using the following formula. .. math:: Bi = \frac {h L_{c}} {k} *where:* *h = heat transfer coefficient* *k = thermal conductivity of solid object* :math:`L_c` *= characteristic length of solid object = thickness/2* *Bi = Biot number* Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> plate = transient.NonLumpedSlab(thickness=4e-2, surfacearea=1, volume=1*4e-2, density=8530, specificheat=380, thermalconductivity=110, thermaldiffusivity=None, heattransfercoefficient=120, T_infinity=500, T_initial=20) # This will create an instance of 'NonLumpedSlab' with a name 'plate' # Next call calc_Bi >>> plate.calc_Bi() 0.021818181818181816 References ---------- [1] Y. A. Cengel and A. J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ self.Bi = (self.heattransfercoefficient * self.thickness/2 / self.thermalconductivity) return self.Bi
[docs] def calc_Fo(self, time=None): r"""Computes Fourier number. Parameters ---------- time : `int or float` Time at which temperature or heat transfer is to be evaluated. Returns ------- Fo : `int or float` Fourier number Notes ----- Fourier number is calculated using the following formula. .. math:: Fo = \frac {\alpha t} {L_c^2} *where:* :math:`\alpha` *= thermal diffusivity* *t = time at which temperature or heat transfer is to be evaluated* :math:`L_c` *= characteristic length = (slab thickness)/2* *Fo = Fourier number* Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> plate = transient.NonLumpedSlab(thickness=4e-2, surfacearea=1, volume=1*4e-2, density=8530, specificheat=380, thermalconductivity=110, thermaldiffusivity=None, heattransfercoefficient=120, T_infinity=500, T_initial=20) # This will create an instance of 'NonLumpedSlab' with a name 'plate' # Next call calc_Fo assuming temperature is required at 7 min >>> plate.calc_Fo(time=7*60) 35.63275128031097 References ---------- [1] Y. A. Cengel and A. J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ self.Fo = self.thermaldiffusivity*time/(self.thickness/2)**2 return self.Fo
[docs] def calc_eigenvalues(self, numberof_eigenvalues_desired=10): r"""Computes eigen values of characteristic equation for Slab geometry. Parameters ---------- numberof_eigenvalues_desired : `int or float` (default = 10) Number of eigen values desired for the characteristic equation. Returns ------- eigenvalues : `np.array of int or float` Eigen values Notes ----- Eigen values are calculated as roots of the following equation. .. math:: x_n tan(x_n) - Bi = 0 , n = 1 \hspace{2pt} to \hspace{2pt} \infty *where:* :math:`x_n` *= nth eigen value* *Bi = Biot number* Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> plate = transient.NonLumpedSlab(thickness=4e-2, surfacearea=1, volume=1*4e-2, density=8530, specificheat=380, thermalconductivity=110, thermaldiffusivity=None, heattransfercoefficient=120, T_infinity=500, T_initial=20) # This will create an instance of 'NonLumpedSlab' with a name 'plate' # Next call calc_Bi >>> plate.calc_Bi() 0.021818181818181816 # Let first 5 eigen values be required >>> plate.calc_eigenvalues(numberof_eigenvalues_desired=5) array([ 0.14717481, 3.1485222 , 6.28665585, 9.42709237, 12.56810661]) References ---------- [1] Y. A. Cengel and A. J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ slab_eigenfunction = lambda x, Bi: x*np.tan(x)-Bi slab_eigenvalues = _get_eigenvalues(slab_eigenfunction, Bi=self.Bi, numberof_eigenvalues_desired=numberof_eigenvalues_desired) self.eigenvalues = np.array(slab_eigenvalues) return self.eigenvalues
[docs] def calc_temperature_of_solid_at_time_t(self, time=None, xposition_tofindtemp=None): r"""Calculates temperature of solid object at a given time = t and position = x. Parameters ---------- time : `int or float` Time instant from begining of process, at which temperature of solid object is to be found. xposition_tofindtemp : `int or float` Distance measured from center of rectangular object where temperature is to be found. Returns ------- temperature : `int or float` Temperature of solid object at time = t and position = x. Notes ----- Temperature of solid object at time = t and position = x is calculated using the following formula: .. math:: T(t) = T_{infinity} + (T_{initial} - T_{infinity}) \displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^\infty \cfrac{4sin(\lambda_n)}{2 \lambda_n + sin(2 \lambda_n)} e^{- \lambda_n^2 \tau} cos(\lambda_n x/L) *where:* :math:`T_{infinity}` *= temperature of surrounding fluid* :math:`T_{initial}` *= intitial temperature of solid object* :math:`\lambda_n` *= nth eigen value of* :math:`x_n tan(x_n) - Bi = 0` *, n = 1* :math:`\hspace{2pt} to \hspace{2pt} \infty` :math:`\tau` *= Fourier number* *x = distance from center of solid slab where temperature is required (x = 0 for center of slab)* *L = thickness/2* Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> plate = transient.NonLumpedSlab(thickness=4e-2, surfacearea=1, volume=1*4e-2, density=8530, specificheat=380, thermalconductivity=110, thermaldiffusivity=None, heattransfercoefficient=120, T_infinity=500, T_initial=20) # This will create an instance of 'NonLumpedSlab' with a name 'plate' # Let temperature at time = 7 min after start of the process be required. # Next call the following >>> plate.calc_Bi() 0.021818181818181816 >>> plate.calc_Fo(time=7*60) 35.63275128031097 plate.calc_eigenvalues() array([ 0.14717481, 3.1485222 , 6.28665585, 9.42709237, 12.56810661, 15.70935213, 18.85071334, 21.99214066, 25.13360932, 28.27510552]) >>> plate.calc_temperature_of_solid_at_time_t(time=7*60, xposition_tofindtemp=plate.thickness/2) 279.76430920417204 References ---------- [1] Y. A. Cengel and A. J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ term1 = 4*np.sin(self.eigenvalues) term2 = 2*self.eigenvalues + np.sin(2*self.eigenvalues) term3 = np.exp(-np.power(self.eigenvalues,2) * self.Fo) term4 = np.cos(self.eigenvalues*xposition_tofindtemp/(self.thickness/2)) theta = np.sum(term1/term2*term3*term4) self.solidtemp_at_time_t = (self.T_infinity + (self.T_initial-self.T_infinity)*theta) return self.solidtemp_at_time_t
[docs] def calc_heatrateof_conv_at_time_t(self, time=None): r"""Heat rate of convection between object and surroundings at a given time = t. Parameters ---------- time : `int or float` Time instant from begining of process, at which heat rate is to be found. Returns ------- heat rate of convection : `int or float ; Positive: Heat is gained by object, Negative: Heat is lost by object` Heat rate of convection between solid object and surroundings at time = t. Notes ----- Heat rate of convection is calculated using the following formula: .. math:: q_{t} = h A_s (T_{infinity} - T_{t}) *where:* *t = time at which temperature is to be computed* *h = heat transfer coefficient* :math:`T_{infinity}` *= temperature of surrounding fluid* :math:`T_{t}` *= temperature of surface of solid object at time = t* :math:`A_s` *= surface area of solid object* :math:`q_{t}` *= heat rate of convection at time = t* Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> plate = transient.NonLumpedSlab(thickness=4e-2, surfacearea=1, volume=1*4e-2, density=8530, specificheat=380, thermalconductivity=110, thermaldiffusivity=None, heattransfercoefficient=120, T_infinity=500, T_initial=20) # This will create an instance of 'NonLumpedSlab' with a name 'plate' # Let temperature at time = 7 min after start of the process be required. # Next call the following >>> plate.calc_Bi() 0.021818181818181816 >>> plate.calc_Fo(time=7*60) 35.63275128031097 plate.calc_eigenvalues() array([ 0.14717481, 3.1485222 , 6.28665585, 9.42709237, 12.56810661, 15.70935213, 18.85071334, 21.99214066, 25.13360932, 28.27510552]) >>> plate.calc_temperature_of_solid_at_time_t(time=7*60, xposition_tofindtemp=plate.thickness/2) 279.76430920417204 # Next call the following >>> plate.calc_heatrateof_conv_at_time_t(time=7*60) 26428.282895499357 # Positive sign indicates gain of heat by the solid object References ---------- [1] Y. A. Cengel and A. J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ qrate = (self.heattransfercoefficient * self.surfacearea *(self.T_infinity - self.calc_temperature_of_solid_at_time_t(time=None, xposition_tofindtemp=self.thickness/2))) # For convection, surface temperature is required, therefore let # xposition_tofindtemp = surface position = thickness/2 because origin is in middle return qrate
[docs] def calc_totalheat_transferred_during_interval_t(self): r"""Heat transferred between solid object and surroundings during time interval = 0 to t. Parameters ---------- None_required : `None` Attributes that are already defined or calculated are used in calculation. Returns ------- total heat transferred : `int or float; Positive: Heat is gained by object, Negative: Heat is lost by object` Total heat transferred between object and surroundings during interval 0 to t Notes ----- Total heat transferred in interval 0 to t is calculated using the following formula: .. math:: q_{0 \to t} = q_{max} \left( 1 - \displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^\infty \cfrac{4sin( \lambda_n)}{2 \lambda_n + sin(2 \lambda_n)} \frac{sin( \lambda_n)}{\lambda_n} e^{- \lambda_n^2 \tau} \right) *where:* :math:`\lambda_n` *= nth eigen value of* :math:`x_n tan(x_n) - Bi = 0` *, n = 1* :math:`\hspace{2pt} to \hspace{2pt} \infty` :math:`\tau` *= Fourier number* :math:`q_{max}` *= maximum heat transfer possible between object and surroundings* See Also ---------- pychemengg.heattransfer.transient.NonLumpedSlab.calc_maxheattransferpossible Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> plate = transient.NonLumpedSlab(thickness=4e-2, surfacearea=1, volume=1*4e-2, density=8530, specificheat=380, thermalconductivity=110, thermaldiffusivity=None, heattransfercoefficient=120, T_infinity=500, T_initial=20) # This will create an instance of 'NonLumpedSlab' with a name 'plate' # Let temperature at time = 7 min after start of the process be required. # Next call the following >>> plate.calc_Bi() 0.021818181818181816 >>> plate.calc_Fo(time=7*60) 35.63275128031097 plate.calc_eigenvalues() array([ 0.14717481, 3.1485222 , 6.28665585, 9.42709237, 12.56810661, 15.70935213, 18.85071334, 21.99214066, 25.13360932, 28.27510552]) >>> plate.calc_totalheat_transferred_during_interval_t() 33472028.92491645 # Positive value means heat is gained by the object. References ---------- [1] Y. A. Cengel and A. J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ term1 = 4*np.sin(self.eigenvalues) term2 = 2*self.eigenvalues + np.sin(2*self.eigenvalues) term3 = np.exp(-np.power(self.eigenvalues,2) * self.Fo) term4 = np.sin(self.eigenvalues)/self.eigenvalues normalized_heatamount = 1 - np.sum(term1/term2*term3*term4) heattransferred = self.calc_maxheattransferpossible() * normalized_heatamount return heattransferred
[docs] def calc_maxheattransferpossible(self): r"""Maximum possible heat transfer between solid object and surroundings. Parameters ---------- None_required : `None` Attributes that are already defined are used in calculation. Returns ------- maximum heat transfer possible: `int or float; Positive: Heat is gained by object, Negative: Heat is lost by object` Maximum heat transfer posssible between object and surroundings. Notes ----- Maximum heat transfer possible between solid object and surroundings is calculated using the following formula. This is based on the assumption that final object temperature will eventually reach surrounding temperature of :math:`T_{infinity}` .. math:: q_{max} = m C_p (T_{infinity} - T_{initial}) *where:* *m = mass of solid object* :math:`C_{p}` *= specific heat of solid object* :math:`T_{infinity}` *= temperature of surrounding, which the solid object will eventually attain* :math:`T_{initial}` *= temperature of solid object at time = initial* :math:`q_{max}` *= max heat transfer possible* Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> plate = transient.NonLumpedSlab(thickness=4e-2, surfacearea=1, volume=1*4e-2, density=8530, specificheat=380, thermalconductivity=110, thermaldiffusivity=None, heattransfercoefficient=120, T_infinity=500, T_initial=20) # This will create an instance of 'NonLumpedSlab' with a name 'plate' >>> plate.calc_maxheattransferpossible() 62234880.0 # negative value indicates heat is being lost by the solid object References ---------- [1] Y. A. Cengel and A. J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ qtotal_max = self.mass * self.specificheat * (self.T_infinity - self.T_initial) return qtotal_max
[docs]class NonLumpedCylinder(): r""" Model for nonlumped analysis of cylindrical solid object. Parameters ---------- radius : `int or float` Radius of solid object. surfacearea : `int or float` Surface area of solid object. volume : `int or float` Volume of solid object. density : `int or float` Density of solid object. specificheat : `int or float` Specific heat of solid object. thermalconductivity : `int or float` Thermal conductivity of solid object. thermaldiffusivity : `int or float` Thermal diffusivity of solid object. heattransfercoefficient : `int or float` Heat transfer coefficient between solid object and surrounding. T_infinity : `int or float` Temperature of surroundings. T_initial : `int or float` Temperature of solid object at time = 0. Attributes ---------- See "Parameters". All parameters are attributes. Additional attributes are listed below. mass : `int or float` Mass of solid object computed as (volume * density) of solid object. Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> cylinder=transient.NonLumpedCylinder(radius=10e-2, surfacearea=1, T_initial=600, volume=np.pi*10e-2**2*1, T_infinity=200, density=7900, thermaldiffusivity=None, specificheat=477, heattransfercoefficient=80, thermalconductivity=14.9) # This will create an instance of 'NonLumpedCylinder' with a name 'cylinder' """
[docs] def __init__(self, radius=None, surfacearea=None, volume=None, density=None, specificheat=None, thermalconductivity=None, thermaldiffusivity=None, heattransfercoefficient=None, T_infinity=None, T_initial=None): # assign self.radius = radius self.surfacearea=surfacearea self.volume=volume self.density=density self.specificheat=specificheat self.thermalconductivity = thermalconductivity self.heattransfercoefficient=heattransfercoefficient self.T_infinity=T_infinity self.T_initial=T_initial # calculate mass if self.density is not None: self.mass = self.volume * self.density # calculate thermal diffusivity if (self.density is not None) and (self.specificheat is not None): self.thermaldiffusivity = self.thermalconductivity/self.density/self.specificheat else: if thermaldiffusivity is not None: self.thermaldiffusivity = thermaldiffusivity
[docs] def calc_Bi(self): r"""Computes Biot number. Parameters ---------- None_required : `None` Attributes that are already defined are used in calculation. Returns ------- Bi : `int or float` Biot number Notes ----- Biot number is calculated using the following formula. .. math:: Bi = \frac {h L_{c}} {k} *where:* *h = heat transfer coefficient* *k = thermal conductivity of solid object* :math:`L_c` *= characteristic length of solid object = radius* *Bi = Biot number* Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> cylinder=transient.NonLumpedCylinder(radius=10e-2, surfacearea=1, T_initial=600, volume=np.pi*10e-2**2*1, T_infinity=200, density=7900, thermaldiffusivity=None, specificheat=477, heattransfercoefficient=80, thermalconductivity=14.9) # This will create an instance of 'NonLumpedSlab' with a name 'plate' # Next call calc_Bi >>> cylinder.calc_Bi() 0.5369127516778524 References ---------- [1] Y. A. Cengel and A. J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ self.Bi = (self.heattransfercoefficient * self.radius / self.thermalconductivity) return self.Bi
[docs] def calc_Fo(self, time=None): r"""Computes Fourier number. Parameters ---------- time : `int or float` Time at which temperature or heat transfer is to be evaluated. Returns ------- Fo : `int or float` Fourier number Notes ----- Fourier number is calculated using the following formula. .. math:: Fo = \frac {\alpha t} {L_c^2} *where:* :math:`\alpha` *= thermal diffusivity* *t = time at which temperature or heat transfer is to be evaluated* :math:`L_c` *= characteristic length = radius* *Fo = Fourier number* Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> cylinder=transient.NonLumpedCylinder(radius=10e-2, surfacearea=1, T_initial=600, volume=np.pi*10e-2**2*1, T_infinity=200, density=7900, thermaldiffusivity=None, specificheat=477, heattransfercoefficient=80, thermalconductivity=14.9) # This will create an instance of 'NonLumpedSlab' with a name 'plate' # Next call calc_Fo assuming temperature is required at 7 min >>> cylinder.calc_Fo(time=7*60) 0.16606958044741657 References ---------- [1] Y. A. Cengel and A. J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ self.Fo = self.thermaldiffusivity * time / (self.radius)**2 return self.Fo
[docs] def calc_eigenvalues(self, numberof_eigenvalues_desired=10): r"""Computes eigen values of characteristic equation for Cylindrical geometry. Parameters ---------- numberof_eigenvalues_desired : `int or float` (default = 10) Number of eigen values desired for the characteristic equation. Returns ------- eigenvalues : `np.array of int or float` Eigen values Notes ----- Eigen values are calculated as roots of the following equation. .. math:: \lambda_n \frac{J_1(\lambda_n)}{J_0(\lambda_n)} - Bi = 0 , n = 1 \hspace{2pt} to \hspace{2pt} \infty *where:* :math:`J_0` *= Bessel function of first kind of order 0* :math:`J_1` *= Bessel function of first kind of order 1* :math:`\lambda_n` *= nth eigen value* *Bi = Biot number* Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> cylinder=transient.NonLumpedCylinder(radius=10e-2, surfacearea=1, T_initial=600, volume=np.pi*10e-2**2*1, T_infinity=200, density=7900, thermaldiffusivity=None, specificheat=477, heattransfercoefficient=80, thermalconductivity=14.9) # This will create an instance of 'NonLumpedSlab' with a name 'plate' # Next call calc_Bi >>> cylinder.calc_Bi() 0.5369127516778524 # Let first 5 eigen values be required >>> cylinder.calc_eigenvalues(numberof_eigenvalues_desired=5) array([ 0.97061535, 3.96852663, 7.0915602 , 10.22605944, 13.36390715]) References ---------- [1] Y. A. Cengel and A. J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ cylinder_eigenfunction = lambda x, Bi: x*j1(x)/j0(x)-Bi cylinder_eigenvalues = _get_eigenvalues(cylinder_eigenfunction, Bi=self.Bi, numberof_eigenvalues_desired=numberof_eigenvalues_desired) self.eigenvalues = np.array(cylinder_eigenvalues) return self.eigenvalues
[docs] def calc_temperature_of_solid_at_time_t(self, rposition_tofindtemp=None): r"""Calculates temperature of solid object at a given time = t and radius = r. Parameters ---------- time : `int or float` Time instant from begining of process, at which temperature of solid object is to be found. rposition_tofindtemp : `int or float` Radius from center of cylindrical object where temperature is to be found. Returns ------- temperature : `int or float` Temperature of solid object at time = t and radius = r. Notes ----- Temperature of solid object at time = t and radius = r is calculated using the following formula: .. math:: T(t) = T_{infinity} + (T_{initial} - T_{infinity}) \displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^\infty \cfrac{2}{\lambda_n} \left( \frac{J_1(\lambda_n)}{J_0^2(\lambda_n) + J_1^2(\lambda_n)} \right) e^{- \lambda_n^2 \tau} J_0(\lambda_n r/r_{outside}) *where:* :math:`T_{infinity}` *= temperature of surrounding fluid* :math:`T_{initial}` *= intitial temperature of solid object* :math:`J_0` *= Bessel function of first kind of order 0* :math:`J_1` *= Bessel function of first kind of order 1* :math:`\lambda_n` = :math:`n^{th}` eigen value of :math:`x_n tan(x_n) - Bi = 0` , n = 1 to :math:`\infty` *Bi = Biot number* :math:`\tau` *= Fourier number* *r = radius from center of solid cylinder where temperature is required (r = 0 for center of cylinder)* :math:`r_{outside}` *= outer radius of the cylinder* Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> cylinder=transient.NonLumpedCylinder(radius=10e-2, surfacearea=1, T_initial=600, volume=np.pi*10e-2**2*1, T_infinity=200, density=7900, thermaldiffusivity=None, specificheat=477, heattransfercoefficient=80, thermalconductivity=14.9) # This will create an instance of 'NonLumpedSlab' with a name 'plate' # Next call calc_Bi >>> cylinder.calc_Bi() 0.5369127516778524 # Next call calc_Fo assuming temperature is required at 7 min >>> cylinder.calc_Fo(time=7*60) 0.16606958044741657 # Let default (=10) eigen values be required >>> cylinder.calc_eigenvalues() array([ 0.97061535, 3.96852663, 7.0915602 , 10.22605944, 13.36390715, 16.50318456, 19.64320399, 22.78365791, 25.92438812, 29.06530494]) >>> cylinder.calc_temperature_of_solid_at_time_t(rposition_tofindtemp=0) 578.8399893522001 """ term1 = 2/self.eigenvalues*j1(self.eigenvalues) term2 = np.power(j0(self.eigenvalues),2) + np.power(j1(self.eigenvalues),2) term3 = np.exp(-np.power(self.eigenvalues,2) * self.Fo) term4 = j0(self.eigenvalues*rposition_tofindtemp/self.radius) theta = np.sum(term1/term2*term3*term4) solidtemp_at_time_t = (self.T_infinity + (self.T_initial-self.T_infinity)*theta) self.solidtemp_at_time_t = solidtemp_at_time_t return solidtemp_at_time_t
[docs] def calc_totalheat_transferred_during_interval_t(self): r"""Heat transferred between solid object and surroundings during time interval = 0 to t. Parameters ---------- None_required : `None` Attributes that are already defined or calculated are used in calculation. Returns ------- total heat transferred : `int or float; Positive: Heat is gained by object, Negative: Heat is lost by object` Total heat transferred between object and surroundings during interval 0 to t Notes ----- Total heat transferred in interval 0 to t is calculated using the following formula: .. math:: q_{0 \to t} = q_{max} \left( 1-2\displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^\infty \cfrac{2}{\lambda_n} \left( \frac{J_1(\lambda_n)}{J_0^2(\lambda_n) + J_1^2(\lambda_n)} \right) e^{- \lambda_n^2 \tau} \frac{J_1(\lambda_n) }{\lambda_n} \right) *where:* :math:`J_0` *= Bessel function of first kind of order 0* :math:`J_1` *= Bessel function of first kind of order 1* :math:`\lambda_n` = :math:`n^{th}` eigen value of :math:`x_n tan(x_n) - Bi = 0` , n = 1 to :math:`\infty` *Bi = Biot number* :math:`\tau` *= Fourier number* :math:`q_{max}` = *maximum possible heat transfer between solid and surrounding* :math:`q_{0 \to t}` *= heat transferred in time interval [0, t]* See Also ---------- pychemengg.heattransfer.transient.NonLumpedCylinder.calc_maxheattransferpossible Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> cylinder=transient.NonLumpedCylinder(radius=10e-2, surfacearea=1, T_initial=600, volume=np.pi*10e-2**2*1, T_infinity=200, density=7900, thermaldiffusivity=None, specificheat=477, heattransfercoefficient=80, thermalconductivity=14.9) # This will create an instance of 'NonLumpedSlab' with a name 'plate' # Next call calc_Bi >>> cylinder.calc_Bi() 0.5369127516778524 # Next call calc_Fo assuming temperature is required at 7 min >>> cylinder.calc_Fo(time=7*60) 0.16606958044741657 # Let default (=10) eigen values be required >>> cylinder.calc_eigenvalues() array([ 0.97061535, 3.96852663, 7.0915602 , 10.22605944, 13.36390715, 16.50318456, 19.64320399, 22.78365791, 25.92438812, 29.06530494]) >>> cylinder.calc_totalheat_transferred_during_interval_t() -7052779.476897862 References ---------- [1] Y. A. Cengel and A. J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ term1 = 2/self.eigenvalues*j1(self.eigenvalues) term2 = np.power(j0(self.eigenvalues),2) + np.power(j1(self.eigenvalues),2) term3 = np.exp(-np.power(self.eigenvalues,2) * self.Fo) term4 = 2*j1(self.eigenvalues)/self.eigenvalues normalized_heatamount = 1 - np.sum(term1/term2*term3*term4) heattransferred = self.calc_maxheattransferpossible() * normalized_heatamount return heattransferred
[docs] def calc_heatrateof_conv_at_time_t(self): r"""Heat rate of convection between object and surroundings at a given time = t. Parameters ---------- None_required : `None` Attributes that are already defined are used in calculation. Returns ------- heat rate of convection : `int or float ; Positive: Heat is gained by object, Negative: Heat is lost by object` Heat rate of convection between solid object and surroundings at time = t. Notes ----- Heat rate of convection is calculated using the following formula: .. math:: q_{t} = h A_s (T_{infinity} - T_{t}) *where:* *t = time at which temperature is to be computed* *h = heat transfer coefficient* :math:`T_{infinity}` *= temperature of surrounding fluid* :math:`T_{t}` *= temperature of surface of solid object at time = t* :math:`A_s` *= surface area of solid object* :math:`q_{t}` *= heat rate of convection at time = t* Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> cylinder=transient.NonLumpedCylinder(radius=10e-2, surfacearea=1, T_initial=600, volume=np.pi*10e-2**2*1, T_infinity=200, density=7900, thermaldiffusivity=None, specificheat=477, heattransfercoefficient=80, thermalconductivity=14.9) # This will create an instance of 'NonLumpedCylinder' with a name 'cylinder' # Next call calc_Bi >>> cylinder.calc_Bi() 0.5369127516778524 # Next call calc_Fo assuming temperature is required at 7 min >>> cylinder.calc_Fo(time=7*60) 0.16606958044741657 # Let default (=10) eigen values be required >>> cylinder.calc_eigenvalues() array([ 0.97061535, 3.96852663, 7.0915602 , 10.22605944, 13.36390715, 16.50318456, 19.64320399, 22.78365791, 25.92438812, 29.06530494]) >>> calc_heatrateof_conv_at_time_t() -24040.54791137568 References ---------- [1] Y. A. Cengel and A. J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ qrate = (self.heattransfercoefficient * self.surfacearea *(self.T_infinity - self.calc_temperature_of_solid_at_time_t(rposition_tofindtemp=self.radius))) # For convection, surface temperature is required, thereforeput # rposition_tofindtemp = surface position = self.radius, because origin is in middle return qrate
[docs] def calc_maxheattransferpossible(self): r"""Maximum possible heat transfer between solid object and surroundings. Parameters ---------- None_required : `None` Attributes that are already defined are used in calculation. Returns ------- maximum heat transfer possible: `int or float; Positive: Heat is gained by object, Negative: Heat is lost by object` Maximum heat transfer posssible between object and surroundings. Notes ----- Maximum heat transfer possible between solid object and surroundings is calculated using the following formula. This is based on the assumption that final object temperature will eventually reach surrounding temperature of :math:`T_{infinity}` .. math:: q_{max} = m C_p (T_{infinity} - T_{initial}) *where:* *m = mass of solid object* :math:`C_{p}` *= specific heat of solid object* :math:`T_{infinity}` *= temperature of surrounding, which the solid object will eventually attain* :math:`T_{initial}` *= temperature of solid object at time = initial* :math:`q_{max}` *= max heat transfer possible* Examples -------- >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> cylinder=transient.NonLumpedCylinder(radius=10e-2, surfacearea=1, T_initial=600, volume=np.pi*10e-2**2*1, T_infinity=200, density=7900, thermaldiffusivity=None, specificheat=477, heattransfercoefficient=80, thermalconductivity=14.9) >>> cylinder.calc_maxheattransferpossible() -47353854.386089675 # negative value indicates heat is being lost by the solid object References ---------- [1] Y. A. Cengel and A. J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ qtotal_max = self.mass * self.specificheat * (self.T_infinity - self.T_initial) return qtotal_max
[docs]class NonLumpedSphere(): r""" Model for nonlumped analysis of spherical solid object. Parameters ---------- radius : `int or float` Radius of solid object. surfacearea : `int or float` Surface area of solid object. volume : `int or float` Volume of solid object. density : `int or float` Density of solid object. specificheat : `int or float` Specific heat of solid object. thermalconductivity : `int or float` Thermal conductivity of solid object. thermaldiffusivity : `int or float` Thermal diffusivity of solid object. heattransfercoefficient : `int or float` Heat transfer coefficient between solid object and surrounding. T_infinity : `int or float` Temperature of surroundings. T_initial : `int or float` Temperature of solid object at time = 0. Attributes ---------- See "Parameters". All parameters are attributes. Additional attributes are listed below. mass : `int or float` Mass of solid object computed as (volume * density) of solid object. Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> potato=transient.NonLumpedSphere(radius=.0275, surfacearea=4*np.pi*.0275**2, volume=4/3*np.pi*0.0275**3, density=1100, specificheat=3900, thermaldiffusivity=0.14e-6, T_initial=8, T_infinity=97, thermalconductivity=0.6, heattransfercoefficient=1400) # This will create an instance of 'NonLumpedCylinder' with a name 'cylinder' """
[docs] def __init__(self, radius=None, surfacearea=None, volume=None, density=None, specificheat=None, thermalconductivity=None, thermaldiffusivity=None, heattransfercoefficient=None, T_infinity=None, T_initial=None): # assign self.radius = radius self.surfacearea=surfacearea self.volume=volume self.density=density self.specificheat=specificheat self.thermalconductivity = thermalconductivity self.heattransfercoefficient=heattransfercoefficient self.T_infinity=T_infinity self.T_initial=T_initial # calculate if self.density is not None: self.mass = self.volume * self.density if (self.density is not None) and (self.specificheat is not None): self.thermaldiffusivity = self.thermalconductivity/self.density/self.specificheat else: if thermaldiffusivity is not None: self.thermaldiffusivity = thermaldiffusivity
[docs] def calc_Bi(self): r"""Computes Biot number. Parameters ---------- None_required : `None` Attributes that are already defined are used in calculation. Returns ------- Bi : `int or float` Biot number Notes ----- Biot number is calculated using the following formula. .. math:: Bi = \frac {h L_{c}} {k} *where:* *h = heat transfer coefficient* *k = thermal conductivity of solid object* :math:`L_c` *= characteristic length of solid object = radius* *Bi = Biot number* Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> potato=transient.NonLumpedSphere(radius=.0275, surfacearea=4*np.pi*.0275**2, volume=4/3*np.pi*0.0275**3, density=1100, specificheat=3900, thermaldiffusivity=0.14e-6, T_initial=8, T_infinity=97, thermalconductivity=0.6, heattransfercoefficient=1400) # This will create an instance of 'NonLumpedSphere' with a name 'potato' # Next call calc_Bi >>> potato.calc_Bi() 64.16666666666667 References ---------- [1] Y. A. Cengel and A. J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ self.Bi = (self.heattransfercoefficient * self.radius / self.thermalconductivity) return self.Bi
[docs] def calc_Fo(self, time=None): r"""Computes Fourier number. Parameters ---------- time : `int or float` Time at which temperature or heat transfer is to be evaluated. Returns ------- Fo : `int or float` Fourier number Notes ----- Fourier number is calculated using the following formula. .. math:: Fo = \frac {\alpha t} {L_c^2} *where:* :math:`\alpha` *= thermal diffusivity* *t = time at which temperature or heat transfer is to be evaluated* :math:`L_c` *= characteristic length = radius* *Fo = Fourier number* Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> potato=transient.NonLumpedSphere(radius=.0275, surfacearea=4*np.pi*.0275**2, volume=4/3*np.pi*0.0275**3, density=1100, specificheat=3900, thermaldiffusivity=0.14e-6, T_initial=8, T_infinity=97, thermalconductivity=0.6, heattransfercoefficient=1400) # This will create an instance of 'NonLumpedSphere' with a name 'potato' # Next call calc_Fo for time = 7 min >>> potato.calc_Fo(7*60) 0.07767439172397851 References ---------- [1] Y. A. Cengel and A. J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ self.Fo = self.thermaldiffusivity * time / (self.radius)**2 return self.Fo
[docs] def calc_eigenvalues(self, numberof_eigenvalues_desired=10): r"""Computes eigen values of characteristic equation for spherical geometry. Parameters ---------- numberof_eigenvalues_desired : `int or float` (default = 10) Number of eigen values desired for the characteristic equation. Returns ------- eigenvalues : `np.array of int or float` Eigen values Notes ----- Eigen values are calculated as roots of the following equation. .. math:: 1 - \lambda_n cot(\lambda_n) - Bi = 0 , n = 1 \hspace{2pt} to \hspace{2pt} \infty *where:* :math:`\lambda_n` *= nth eigen value* *Bi = Biot number* Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> potato=transient.NonLumpedSphere(radius=.0275, surfacearea=4*np.pi*.0275**2, volume=4/3*np.pi*0.0275**3, density=1100, specificheat=3900, thermaldiffusivity=0.14e-6, T_initial=8, T_infinity=97, thermalconductivity=0.6, heattransfercoefficient=1400) # This will create an instance of 'NonLumpedSphere' with a name 'potato' # Next call calc_Bi >>> potato.calc_Bi() 64.16666666666667 # Let first 5 eigen values be required >>> potato.calc_eigenvalues(numberof_eigenvalues_desired=5) array([ 3.09267122, 6.1855719 , 9.27892517, 12.37294192, 15.46781574]) References ---------- [1] Y. A. Cengel and A. J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ sphere_eigenfunction = lambda x,Bi: 1-x/np.tan(x)-Bi sphere_eigenvalues = _get_eigenvalues(sphere_eigenfunction, Bi=self.Bi, numberof_eigenvalues_desired=numberof_eigenvalues_desired) self.eigenvalues = np.array(sphere_eigenvalues) return self.eigenvalues
[docs] def calc_temperature_of_solid_at_time_t(self, rposition_tofindtemp=None): r"""Calculates temperature of solid object at a given time = t and radius = r. Parameters ---------- time : `int or float` Time instant from begining of process, at which temperature of solid object is to be found. rposition_tofindtemp : `int or float` Radius from center of spherical object where temperature is to be found. Returns ------- temperature : `int or float` Temperature of solid object at time = t and radius = r. Notes ----- Temperature of solid object at time = t and radius = r is calculated using the following formula: .. math:: T(t) = T_{infinity} + (T_{initial} - T_{infinity}) \displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^\infty \cfrac{4(sin\lambda_n - \lambda_ncos\lambda_n)}{2 \lambda_n - sin(2 \lambda_n)} e^{- \lambda_n^2 \tau} \frac{sin(\lambda_n r/r_{outside})} {\lambda_n r/r_{outside}} *where:* :math:`T_{infinity}` *= temperature of surrounding fluid* :math:`T_{initial}` *= intitial temperature of solid object* :math:`\lambda_n` = :math:`n^{th}` eigen value of :math:`1 - \lambda_n cot(\lambda_n) - Bi = 0` , n = 1 to :math:`\infty` *Bi = Biot number* :math:`\tau` *= Fourier number* *r = radius from center of solid sphere where temperature is required (r = 0 for center of sphere)* :math:`r_{outside}` *= outer radius of the sphere* Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> potato=transient.NonLumpedSphere(radius=.0275, surfacearea=4*np.pi*.0275**2, volume=4/3*np.pi*0.0275**3, density=1100, specificheat=3900, thermaldiffusivity=0.14e-6, T_initial=8, T_infinity=97, thermalconductivity=0.6, heattransfercoefficient=1400) # This will create an instance of 'NonLumpedSphere' with a name 'potato' # Next call calc_Bi >>> potato.calc_Bi() 64.16666666666667 >>> potato.calc_Fo(7*60) 0.07767439172397851 # Let first 5 eigen values be required >>> potato.calc_eigenvalues(numberof_eigenvalues_desired=5) array([ 3.09267122, 6.1855719 , 9.27892517, 12.37294192, 15.46781574]) >>> potato.calc_temperature_of_solid_at_time_t(rposition_tofindtemp=0) 21.274035537652196 """ term1 = 4*(np.sin(self.eigenvalues)-self.eigenvalues*np.cos(self.eigenvalues)) term2 = 2*self.eigenvalues - np.sin(2*self.eigenvalues) term3 = np.exp(-np.power(self.eigenvalues,2) * self.Fo) if rposition_tofindtemp == 0: term4 = 1 else: term4 = (np.sin(self.eigenvalues*rposition_tofindtemp/self.radius) /(self.eigenvalues*rposition_tofindtemp/self.radius)) theta = np.sum(term1/term2*term3*term4) solidtemp_at_time_t = (self.T_infinity + (self.T_initial-self.T_infinity)*theta) self.solidtemp_at_time_t = solidtemp_at_time_t return solidtemp_at_time_t
[docs] def calc_totalheat_transferred_during_interval_t(self): r"""Heat transferred between solid object and surroundings during time interval = 0 to t. Parameters ---------- None_required : `None` Attributes that are already defined or calculated are used in calculation. Returns ------- total heat transferred : `int or float; Positive: Heat is gained by object, Negative: Heat is lost by object` Total heat transferred between object andsurroundings during interval 0 to t Notes ----- Total heat transferred in interval 0 to t is calculated using the following formula: .. math:: q_{0 \to t} = q_{max} \left( 1-3 \displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^\infty \cfrac{4(sin\lambda_n - \lambda_ncos\lambda_n)}{2 \lambda_n - sin(2 \lambda_n)} e^{- \lambda_n^2 \tau} \frac{sin\lambda_n - \lambda_n cos\lambda_n}{\lambda_n^3} \right) *where:* :math:`\lambda_n` = :math:`n^{th}` eigen value of :math:`x_n tan(x_n) - Bi = 0` , n = 1 to :math:`\infty` *Bi = Biot number* :math:`\tau` *= Fourier number* :math:`q_{max}` = *maximum possible heat transfer between solid and surrounding* :math:`q_{0 \to t}` *= heat transferred in time interval [0, t]* See Also ---------- pychemengg.heattransfer.transient.NonLumpedSphere.calc_maxheattransferpossible Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> potato=transient.NonLumpedSphere(radius=.0275, surfacearea=4*np.pi*.0275**2, volume=4/3*np.pi*0.0275**3, density=1100, specificheat=3900, thermaldiffusivity=0.14e-6, T_initial=8, T_infinity=97, thermalconductivity=0.6, heattransfercoefficient=1400) # This will create an instance of 'NonLumpedSphere' with a name 'potato' # Next call calc_Bi >>> potato.calc_Bi() 64.16666666666667 >>> potato.calc_Fo(7*60) 0.07767439172397851 # Let first 5 eigen values be required >>> potato.calc_eigenvalues(numberof_eigenvalues_desired=5) array([ 3.09267122, 6.1855719 , 9.27892517, 12.37294192, 15.46781574]) >>> potato.calc_totalheat_transferred_during_interval_t() 22929.965184224005 References ---------- [1] Y. A. Cengel and A. J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ term1 = 4*(np.sin(self.eigenvalues)-self.eigenvalues*np.cos(self.eigenvalues)) term2 = 2*self.eigenvalues - np.sin(2*self.eigenvalues) term3 = np.exp(-np.power(self.eigenvalues,2) * self.Fo) term4 = 3*((np.sin(self.eigenvalues)-self.eigenvalues*np.cos(self.eigenvalues)) / np.power(self.eigenvalues,3)) normalized_heatamount = 1 - np.sum(term1/term2*term3*term4) print("normalized heat =", normalized_heatamount) heattransferred = self.calc_maxheattransferpossible() * normalized_heatamount return heattransferred
[docs] def calc_heatrateof_conv_at_time_t(self): r"""Heat rate of convection between object and surroundings at a given time = t. Parameters ---------- None_required : `None` Attributes that are already defined are used in calculation. Returns ------- heat rate of convection : `int or float ; Positive: Heat is gained by object, Negative: Heat is lost by object` Heat rate of convection between solid object and surroundings at time = t. Notes ----- Heat rate of convection is calculated using the following formula: .. math:: q_{t} = h A_s (T_{infinity} - T_{t}) *where:* *t = time at which temperature is to be computed* *h = heat transfer coefficient* :math:`T_{infinity}` *= temperature of surrounding fluid* :math:`T_{t}` *= temperature of surface of solid object at time = t* :math:`A_s` *= surface area of solid object* :math:`q_{t}` *= heat rate of convection at time = t* Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> potato=transient.NonLumpedSphere(radius=.0275, surfacearea=4*np.pi*.0275**2, volume=4/3*np.pi*0.0275**3, density=1100, specificheat=3900, thermaldiffusivity=0.14e-6, T_initial=8, T_infinity=97, thermalconductivity=0.6, heattransfercoefficient=1400) # This will create an instance of 'NonLumpedSphere' with a name 'potato' # Next call calc_Bi >>> potato.calc_Bi() 64.16666666666667 # Consider temperature needs to be found at 7 min >>> potato.calc_Fo(7*60) 0.07767439172397851 # Let first 5 eigen values be required >>> potato.calc_eigenvalues(numberof_eigenvalues_desired=5) array([ 3.09267122, 6.1855719 , 9.27892517, 12.37294192, 15.46781574]) >>> potato.calc_heatrateof_conv_at_time_t() 19.741373294927822 References ---------- [1] Y. A. Cengel and A. J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ qrate = (self.heattransfercoefficient * self.surfacearea *(self.T_infinity - self.calc_temperature_of_solid_at_time_t(rposition_tofindtemp=self.radius))) # For convection, surface temperature is required, thereforeput # rposition_tofindtemp = surface position = self.radius, because origin is in middle return qrate
[docs] def calc_maxheattransferpossible(self): r"""Maximum possible heat transfer between solid object and surroundings. Parameters ---------- None_required : `None` Attributes that are already defined are used in calculation. Returns ------- maximum heat transfer possible: `int or float; Positive: Heat is gained by object, Negative: Heat is lost by object` Maximum heat transfer posssible between object and surroundings. Notes ----- Maximum heat transfer possible between solid object and surroundings is calculated using the following formula. This is based on the assumption that final object temperature will eventually reach surrounding temperature of :math:`T_{infinity}` .. math:: q_{max} = m C_p (T_{infinity} - T_{initial}) *where:* *m = mass of solid object* :math:`C_{p}` *= specific heat of solid object* :math:`T_{infinity}` *= temperature of surrounding, which the solid object will eventually attain* :math:`T_{initial}` *= temperature of solid object at time = initial* :math:`q_{max}` *= max heat transfer possible* Examples -------- >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> potato=transient.NonLumpedSphere(radius=.0275, surfacearea=4*np.pi*.0275**2, volume=4/3*np.pi*0.0275**3, density=1100, specificheat=3900, thermaldiffusivity=0.14e-6, T_initial=8, T_infinity=97, thermalconductivity=0.6, heattransfercoefficient=1400) # This will create an instance of 'NonLumpedSphere' with a name 'potato' >>> potato.calc_maxheattransferpossible() 33260.89947104865 # positive value indicates heat is being gained by the solid object References ---------- [1] Y. A. Cengel and A. J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ qtotal_max = self.mass * self.specificheat * (self.T_infinity - self.T_initial) return qtotal_max
def _get_eigenvalues(func, Bi=None, numberof_eigenvalues_desired=None): sol = [] increment_leftrange = 1e-5 incrementvalue = 0.1 left=0.0 + increment_leftrange right=left for root_count in range(numberof_eigenvalues_desired): roots_found = False while roots_found == False: try: a = brentq(func, left, right, Bi) if abs(func(a, Bi)) <= 1e-7: sol.append(a) roots_found = True else: left=right right=left except Exception as e: if str(e) == "f(a) and f(b) must have different signs": right = right + incrementvalue left = right right = left return sol
[docs]class SemiInfinite(): r""" Model to analyze transient heat flow in semi-infinite objects. Parameters ---------- boundarycondition : `str` String defining the boundary condition applied to surface of semi-infinite object. It can take any of the four following values: "surfacetemperature_specified" "heatflux_specified" "surfaceconvection_specified" "energypulse_specified" xposition_tofindtemp : `int or float` Location inside the semi infinite object where temperature is to be found. Surface of the semi infinite object is considered to be the origin (x=0) time : `int or float` Time at which temperature in the semi infinite solid is to be found. density : `int or float` Density of solid object. specificheat : `int or float` Specific heat of solid object. thermalconductivity : `int or float` Thermal conductivity of solid object. thermaldiffusivity : `int or float` Thermal diffusivity of solid object. constantsurfacetemperature : `int or float` New temperature of surface at which it is held contant (following a step change from T_initial) heattransfercoefficient : `int or float` Heat transfer coefficient between solid object and surrounding. heatflux : `int of float` Heat flux applied on surface of solid object. energypulse : `int or float` Energy pulse applied to surface of solid object. T_infinity : `int or float` Temperature of surroundings. T_initial : `int or float` Temperature of solid object at time = 0. Attributes ---------- See "Parameters". All parameters are attributes. Additional attributes are listed below. Examples -------- First import the module **transient** Units used in this example: SI system However, any consistent units can be used >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> wood = transient.SemiInfinite(boundarycondition="heatflux_specified", time = 20*60, T_initial=20, heatflux=1250, thermalconductivity=0.159, thermaldiffusivity=1.75e-7, xposition_tofindtemp=0) # This will create an instance of 'Semi Infinite object' with a name 'wood' """
[docs] def __init__(self, boundarycondition=None, xposition_tofindtemp=None, time=None, density=None, specificheat=None, thermalconductivity=None, thermaldiffusivity=None, constantsurfacetemperature=None, heattransfercoefficient=None, heatflux=None, energypulse=None, T_infinity=None, T_initial=None): self.boundarycondition = boundarycondition self.xposition_tofindtemp = xposition_tofindtemp self.time = time self.specificheat=specificheat self.density=density self.thermalconductivity = thermalconductivity self.constantsurfacetemperature = constantsurfacetemperature self.heattransfercoefficient = heattransfercoefficient self.heatflux = heatflux self.energypulse = energypulse self.T_infinity = T_infinity self.T_initial = T_initial # calculate if (self.density is not None) and (self.specificheat is not None): self.thermaldiffusivity = self.thermalconductivity/self.density/self.specificheat else: if thermaldiffusivity is not None: self.thermaldiffusivity = thermaldiffusivity
[docs] def calc_temperature(self): r"""Calculate temperature of Semi Infinite object at time = t and position = x. Parameters ---------- None_required : `None` Attributes that are already defined are used in calculation. Returns ------- temperature : `int or float` Temperature of object at given location and time. Notes ----- Temperature of the sold semi infinite object at given location and time is computed based on the 'boundary condition'. 1. Boundary condition: Surface temperature is specified as :math:`T_s` = constant .. math:: \frac{T(x,t) - T_i}{T_s - T_i} = erfc \left( \frac{x}{2\sqrt{\alpha t}} \right) 2. Boundary condition: Surface heat flux is specified as :math:`q_s` = constant .. math:: T(x,t) - T_i = \frac{q_s}{k} \left( \sqrt{\frac{4 \alpha t}{\pi}} exp\left(-\frac {x^2}{4 \alpha t}\right) -x erfc\left( \frac{x}{2\sqrt{\alpha t}} \right) \right) 3. Boundary condition: Convection on surface, :math:`q_s(t) = h[T_{\infty} - T(0,t)]` .. math:: \frac{T(x,t) - T_i}{T_s - T_i} = erfc \left( \frac{x}{2\sqrt{\alpha t}} \right) - exp \left( \frac{hx}{k} + \frac{h^2 \alpha t}{k^2}\right) erfc\left( \frac{x}{2\sqrt{\alpha t}} + \frac{h \sqrt{\alpha t}}{k}\right) 4. Boundary condition: Surface is exposed to energy pulse, :math:`e_s` = constant .. math:: T(x,t) - T_i = \frac{e_s}{k \sqrt{ \frac{\pi t}{\alpha} }} exp \left( -\frac {x^2}{4 \alpha t} \right) *where:* *t = time at which temperature or flux is to be computed* *x = location from surface of the semi infinite object where temperature is to be computed* *k = thermal conductivity of solid* *h = heat transfer coefficient between solid and fluid* :math:`\alpha` *= thermal diffusivity of solid object* :math:`T(x,t)` *= temperature of solid object at losition 'x' and time 't'* :math:`T_{s}` *= new surface temperature of solid object* :math:`T_{i}` *= temperature of solid object at time = 0* :math:`q_s` *= constant heat flux applied to solid surface* :math:`e_s` *= constant energy pulse applied to soild surface* :math:`T_{\infty}` = temperature of fluid in contact with solid Examples -------- >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> wood = transient.SemiInfinite(boundarycondition="heatflux_specified", time = 20*60, T_initial=20, heatflux=1250, thermalconductivity=0.159, thermaldiffusivity=1.75e-7, xposition_tofindtemp=0) # This will create an instance of 'Semi Infinite object' with a name 'wood' >>> wood.calc_temperature() 148.5516322557588 References ---------- [1] Y. A. Cengel and A. J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ if self.boundarycondition == "surfacetemperature_specified": theta = erfc(self.xposition_tofindtemp/2/np.power(self.thermaldiffusivity*self.time, 0.5)) temp_at_given_x_and_time = self.T_initial + theta * (self.constantsurfacetemperature-self.T_initial) if self.boundarycondition == "heatflux_specified": term1 = np.power(4*self.thermaldiffusivity*self.time/np.pi,0.5) term2 = np.exp(-np.power(self.xposition_tofindtemp,2)/4/self.thermaldiffusivity/self.time) term3 = self.xposition_tofindtemp*erfc(self.xposition_tofindtemp/2/np.power(self.thermaldiffusivity*self.time,0.5)) temp_at_given_x_and_time = self.T_initial + self.heatflux/self.thermalconductivity*(term1*term2-term3) if self.boundarycondition == "surfaceconvection_specified": term0 = self.xposition_tofindtemp/2/np.power(self.thermaldiffusivity*self.time, 0.5) term1 = erfc(term0) term2 = self.heattransfercoefficient*self.xposition_tofindtemp/self.thermalconductivity term3 = np.power(self.heattransfercoefficient, 2)*self.thermaldiffusivity*self.time/np.power(self.thermalconductivity,2) term4 = self.heattransfercoefficient*np.power(self.thermaldiffusivity*self.time, 0.5)/self.thermalconductivity theta = term1 - np.exp(term2+term3)*erfc(term0+term4) temp_at_given_x_and_time = self.T_initial + theta * (self.T_infinity-self.T_initial) if self.boundarycondition == "energypulse_specified": term1 = self.energypulse/self.thermalconductivity term2 = np.power(np.pi*self.time/self.thermaldiffusivity, 0.5) term3 = np.exp(- np.power(self.xposition_tofindtemp,2)/4/self.thermaldiffusivity/self.time) temp_at_given_x_and_time = self.T_initial + term1/term2*term3 self.temp_at_given_x_and_time = temp_at_given_x_and_time return self.temp_at_given_x_and_time
[docs] def calc_heatflux_forconstantsurfacetemperature(self): r"""Calculate heat flux at time = t for boundary condition = "surfacetemperature_specified". Parameters ---------- None_required : `None` Attributes that are already defined are used in calculation. Returns ------- heat flux : `int or float; Positive: Heat is gained by object, Negative: Heat is lost by object` Heat flux at a given instance of time 't'. Notes ----- Heat flux of the sold semi infinite object at given time 't' is computed using the following formula: 1. Boundary condition: Surface temperature is specified as :math:`T_s` = constant q_s(t) = \frac{k(T_s - T_i)}{\sqrt{\pi \alpha t}} *where:* *t = time at which temperature or flux is to be computed* :math:`\alpha` *= thermal diffusivity of solid object* :math:`T_{s}` *= new surface temperature of solid object* :math:`T_{i}` *= temperature of solid object at time = 0* :math:`q_s(t)` *= heat flux at any time 't'* Examples -------- >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient >>> pipe = transient.SemiInfinite(boundarycondition="surfacetemperature_specified", constantsurfacetemperature=-10, T_initial=15, thermalconductivity=0.4, thermaldiffusivity=0.15e-6, time = 90*24*3600) # This will create an instance of 'Semi Infinite object' with a name 'pipe' >>> pipe.calc_heatflux_forconstantsurfacetemperature () pipe.calc_heatflux_forconstantsurfacetemperature () -5.223977625442188 # negative value indicates heat is being lost by the solid object References ---------- [1] Y. A. Cengel and A. J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ if self.boundarycondition == "surfacetemperature_specified": term1 = np.power(np.pi*self.thermaldiffusivity*self.time, 0.5) heatflux = self.thermalconductivity * (self.constantsurfacetemperature - self.T_initial)/term1 return heatflux
[docs] def calc_contacttemperature(self, other_semiinfinitesolid): r"""Calculate contact temperature of two semi infinite solids". Parameters ---------- other_semiinfinitesolid : `~heattransfer.transient.SemiInfinite` A `SemiInfinite` instance that serves as the second semiinfinite solid that is in contact with the first semiinfinite solid - the 'self' Returns ------- temperature : `int or float` Temperature at contact of two semi infinite solids. Notes ----- Contact temperature is computed using the following formula: .. math:: T_s = \left( \frac{\sqrt{(k \rho c_p)_A} T_{A,i} + \sqrt{(k \rho c_p)_B} T_{B,i}} {\sqrt{(k \rho c_p)}_A + \sqrt{(k \rho c_p)_B}} \right) *where:* *k = thermal conductivity of semi infinite solid 'A' or 'B'* :math:`\rho` *= density of semi infinite solid 'A' or 'B'* :math:`c_p` *= specific heat of semi infinite solid 'A' or 'B'* :math:`T_{s}` *= contact temperature of semi infinite objects A and B* :math:`T_{A,i}` *= temperature of semi infinite object A at time = 0 (before contact with 'B')* :math:`T_{B,i}` *= temperature of semi infinite object B at time = 0 (before contact with 'A')* Examples -------- >>> from pychemengg.heattransfer import transient # If a human touches a metal block, then the temperature at interface # of human and aluminum is as follows: # First model the human and aluminum as semi infinite solids >>> human = transient.SemiInfinite(boundarycondition="surfacetemperature_specified", thermalconductivity=1, density=1, specificheat=1.1e3**2, T_initial=32) >>> aluminum = transient.SemiInfinite(boundarycondition="surfacetemperature_specified", thermalconductivity=1, density=1, specificheat=24e3**2, T_initial=20) # Next apply the method on one and pass the other as argument >>> human.calc_contacttemperature(aluminum) 20.52589641434263 References ---------- [1] Y. A. Cengel and A. J. Ghajar, "Heat And Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications", 6th Edition. New York, McGraw Hill Education, 2020. """ self_param = np.power(self.thermalconductivity*self.density*self.specificheat, 0.5) other_param = np.power(other_semiinfinitesolid.thermalconductivity*other_semiinfinitesolid.density*other_semiinfinitesolid.specificheat, 0.5) term1 = self_param*self.T_initial + other_param*other_semiinfinitesolid.T_initial term2 = self_param + other_param self.contact_temp = other_semiinfinitesolid.contact_temp = term1/term2 return self.contact_temp